I have a car and a motorcycle. My lease only allows one vehicle, but I didn't think anyone would complain since I was using 1 space out of 19 with 10 free at the moment. The motocycle was parked sideways with car behind. I left for an errand in the car and someone parked behind the cycle blocking my exit on it. I left a note asking person to move. They left a note saying to knock on apt XX and they would move to let me out.
Options:1) I could call managemnt and complain possibly causing problems for myself.
2) I could repark, when they move or ask them to move and take a whole space for the cycle, parking it length wise and centered and take a 2nd space for the car, hoping no one complains.
Or 3) I could park car in street and take a whole space with cycle so this doesn't happen again. I'm thinking option 2, then proceed to 3 if someone complains. Or park bike behind car?
Which is best or do you see other option(s) I am missing?
I have a 2nd floor apartment so can't pull cycle inside.