
What should I do about the button on my accordion

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I recently purchased a second-hand accordion, with 12 buttons on the side. However, when I started playing it, one of the buttons "popped out" and is now higher than the rest. The accordion now constantly makes the sound of this button being pressed in, which sounds terrible with a lot of the notes. What can I do?




  1. Most likely, one of the rods in the bass machine jumped out and is now stuck in the incorrect position.

    Take off the bass machine cover - the panel under the left hand strap - you might have to take off the strap first, just keep loosening the strap adjuster until it comes all the way out.

    Look at how the rods are and see if you can see the one attached to the stuck button. If it looks out of place - by example of the other rods in the row, try to gently get it back where it belongs.

    If you're lucky, that will fix your problem. If not, you'll need to take it to a repair person as bass machine work gets quite tedious and anything more than simple fixes should be done by a repair person.

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