
What should I do about the holes in my mouth from getting my wisdom teeth out?

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My bottom teeth were not impacted and I got my wisdom teeth out a week ago. The stiches came out and now there are just holes there and food gets stuck in them. They gave me this syringe to flush out the holes on the bottom. It's just so annoying because when I eat or drink anything I feel like i have to flush them out and when I flush them out tons of stuff comes out and I'm scared that some of the stuff that does was not food. The holes are so deep that when I try to touch the bottom with my tongue I cannot. Is this all normal? Insight and stories would be appreciated. Also, when I flush them out or touch the holes with my tongue my mouth starts to ache.




  1. May-be you should call your dentist.

  2. It's just been a week since the teeth were taken out- of course it will feel like you have craters back there.  And yes, they would be a bit sensitive to probing with the tongue.  It's all still healing up, stitches or no stitches.  However, since you had stitches, you can relax.  The most important thing to get healed closed is the area of gum just above the jawbone.  That prevents you developing a dry socket.  Dry socket is when the tooth size hole in the jawbone, left when the tooth was removed, is open to the air and dehydrates.  Stitches prevent that happening, and that part of the gum is now healed.  It will take a few months for your gum tissue to completely fill in the gap in the gums, but eventually those craters will fill in and it will all smooth out.  The stuff you are flushing out with the syringe is just food remnants, so there is no need to worry.  That's why they gave you the syringe, because for a while there will be divets you can't clean out normally.  In the meantime, keep your tongue out of there.  It's a construction zone there, and your tongue is not needed.  That's why it hurts when you do it- the body is telling you to leave it alone.  You should use the syringe after you eat, each time- not just once a day when you brush.  Right when you finish eating, swish a mouthful of liquid around and swallow it.  Then use the syringe to do the big rinse out.  That way you won't have a full day collection of bits to remove.  And just relax.  It sounds like you are healing quite well, actually.  With a bit of luck, your great gaping holes will be much shallower in a few weeks.  And in a few months they should be just about gone.  Your body knows what to do, and all you need to do is keep it clean and let it get on with the business.

  3. In time, it will get better.  It just takes time.  You have to endure.  

  4. yes, this is normal. in time those holes will close up. i was also scared when i got my wisdom teeth out and thought the holes would never close. but don't worry, it will close up

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