
What should I do about the one I love?

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i dated a guy for 2 years. We really loved each other alot. well this summer i decided to visit my mother in a different state. i said i would be back in 2 months. but ive decided to stay here with my mother and family and go to school down here. back at home he was a little physically abusive. so that was another reason why i decided to stay. but we really miss each other. i love him soooo much. i dont know if i should go back or just try to get over him. i mean its sooo freakin hard to do that. he was the first guy that ive ever loved. i miss him so much. and i really dont know what to do!




  1. The most important thing here is you, and your well being!

    A little abusive? Should be NO one should ever physically/mentally/ verbally abuse you.

    I think leaving the state to be with ur mother is good, going to school GREAT!! Education is always will move on, and with time forgive him.

    It will be VERY difficult at first, you have to be strong, ignore calls, emails, letters...and eventually you will meet someone who loves and respect you...

  2. Read "at home he was a little physically abusive" and think about what it means. Look it up in the dictionary do you like what it says woman. Do you want to live with that horr for the rest of your life.I know that that you "love" him and everything but I dont think thats love. Love is beatiful and full of joy being with someone that is one with you. Someone who respect you and living with someone that you feel SAFE with. Please think it over and get a hold for your self. Sorry for being so tough.

  3. first listen Roxette - Listen to your heart ... then decide!

  4. "back at home he was a little physically abusive" Read that sentence over and over again...I'm confident you would make the right decision.

  5. move on there are better guys out there.  it may hurt at first but this is a good time to leave him since you've got your family around and hopefully friends to support you.  I was in a relationship with a guy who was a "little" abusive.  after two years I realized that yes i loved him but he was not the type that I would ever want to marry so i was wasting my time.  honestly you should have dumped your guy from the first time he started showing signs of abuse thats what i wish i woulda done.  anyways if you let him know the truth behind your reasoning maybe you will save some other girl trouble in the future.  if you dump him, it may take time but i promise you will find someone better... if you stay with him it will get worse over time  

  6. dont you dare go back, it will just get worse, instead of "little bit" he will do alot of bit, because he will be mad that you left, and then start accusing you of cheating on him while you were away..I would definitely stay where you are, get over this guy and find someone else...

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