
What should I do about the teacher from h**l?

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So, this past semester a teacher brutally reamed up the buttocks, and laughed about it. Seriously.

She embarrassed me in front of the class, called me "stupid" when no one was around, and laughed when I got angry. Needless to say I got sooo angry with her (she did much more, but I have limited writing space here), that I actually thought about her outside of school, and literally had troubles sleeping thinking about how wretched she was.

Oh, and when our first report cards came I had a 91% in AP math, and after she was warm, and kind for a while, but that angered me more because she's so forced, and I couldn't stomach how moronic her thought process was. She was really awkward being nice, had no charisma, or charm... she was basically a strange mess when she tried being nice... but as a ***** she does that in spades.

Anyway, I want to take revenge, but my best friend says that's petty, and I should forget about her.

But I've never hated someone so much in my life.





  1. Do what I did. After you graduate, come back midyear the next year and throw a cussin on her that Clorox won't take off in front of students or colleagues.

  2. The sweetest revenge comes in the form of forgiveness.

  3. Speaking as a former teacher, I would agree with the "chalk it up to experience" advice and drop out of her class if you are in it,

    I had so many students I can happily call stupid and all the other teachers would agree (yes, teachers talk about  problem students at breaks) but I never had done this. Why? the golden rule.  I would affect his or her life forever, and I would rather make a positive contribution.

    Personally, I had awful teachers so I go out of my way to forget them, thereby minimizing their effects on my psyche.

    Run the "erase", or rewind and delete buttons of your mind and bury her part in it.  You have a beautiful life ahead of you . She is not worth the time you are giving her  credit for.

  4. put a cross on her forehead and yell, CHRIST COMPELLS YOU BEAST, 3 times

  5. why don't you get others involved? do you have something to hide ? did you start something and cant finish it? or is it that your afraid of the outcome of what your peers might brave sometimes people with authority think they r above the OTHERS..AND if u dont speak up she will keep doing it...stop the cycle ll be much happier!! rock on girl!!

  6. if you feel revenge is right. by all means GO FOR IT!

    personally i would learn how she works, get into her mind, and find out what makes her tick. then (your obviously smart --ap math!!) use it to belittle her in front of the class. teachers hate that more then anything. but dont act disrespectful up until you actually belittle her, otherwise she will be too suspicious and you will never find something to belittle her about. you must allow her to trust you first.

  7. Okay - why DON'T you want to tell your parents or the school authorities? Do you want her to do the same thing to someone else? Because she will. The only way to stop her is to go through the channels - and that means involving parents and school board. If you're not willing to do that, and you don't care if she treats other students the way she treated you, then you better just suck it up and hope there's not another teacher waiting ahead for you, that someone else wouldn't bother to deal with.

  8. i would talk to your parents or a DIFFERENT teacher about it

  9. listen to your friend, maybe the teacher as a c**p life or a bad thing happend to her recently, If you are the student then it is up to you to give her a break, it will give you piece of mind to forgive her.

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