
What should I do about these girls talking c**p about me?

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ok, i just started school and there are these 2 girls in my class. they are friends of an acquaintance of mine and i've spoken to them probably 1 or 2 times. i don't know them though. well today i was walking to class and i saw them and they looked at me and started talking about me as i walked down the hall. THEN i go to my class and it turns out they are both in my class. UGH.

the teacher made us go around and introduce ourselves and tell the class an interesting fact about ourselves (which i HATE) and when i said my fact (which was pretty lame but i couldn't think of anything else) the girls started laughing at smiling at each other while looking at me and they started whispering... should i glare at them or something to let them know i'm not going to tolerate them talking about me for no reason?? or should i just act like i don't even realize what they're doing and ignore them? i feel like that would give them the upper hand though and they would think they could keep talking about me...




  1. These girls have some issues. The only reason girls talk c**p about other girls is because they're either jealous, insecure about themselves so they have to put other people down to make them feel better, or they're just outright b**ches and they like to start c**p and fight. If I were you I would totally ignore them. Have you ever tried to bug someone or make them mad or get a rise out of them or something and they ignore you? Doesn't it get boring after a while when you get no reaction? That's what you need to do. Once they figure out you don't care what they say and you're not interested in playing their little childish game and that you're more mature then that they'll stop. And regardless, nothing pisses your enemies off worse then when you don't retaliate. So if you really want to get even with them. Don't do a thing and completely ignore them. Don't even acknowledge that they exist unless you absolutely have to. Good luck!  

  2. Don't acknowledge it at all, and then whenever you see them, smile a tiny smile to yourself as if you know something funny about them.  When they notice and get angry and eventually confront you and ask about it, sweetly tell them you have no idea what they are talking about, but act like you are working very, VERY hard to hold back a laugh.

    It will drive them INSANE. :)

  3. I will give the glare, like you don't want to mess with me. Tell your friend in a casual conversation that, you don't like when people starts talking about you because you can get crazy and if push comes to shove act crazy. I know that might sound crazy but in most instances it really works, and no one would want to mess with you. Remember, "Trust no ******, Fear no B*T*H.

  4. I like that you are mature enough to answer your own question that you ignore them, and their childish antics of jealousy. Let them grow-up before they come into your life. Maybe they're testing you, see what your made off. I went to school with a whole class of one Nationality, and I was the only Italian/american in the class, I lived in misery for 2 years, funny part of it all, we kids were all born in this country, AMERICA. So you see why we all have problems in our own country etc..Remember who you are, bring pride to yourself and your family.

  5. lmao!!

    yo those girls have some serious issues.

    i would glare at them like give them the death glare and when they laugh/smile at you

    just smile/laugh bak

    play them at there own game

    and if they keep doing it

    just go up to them n say

    "whats ur problem?!"

    hope everything works out mama!

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