
What should I do about this? I'm at my wit's end.?

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So I broke up with my boyfriend (5 yrs) about 4 weeks ago.

But I go to my friend's house to help her clean yesterday and while I had a great time, she is just not getting it. I told her about it already.We sat around hanging out before the cleaning starts, and she looks up she and her bf's (who has the same name as my ex) numerology reports to see how well they "match" together. Fine. I can deal with that. But then she goes back to do mine and is like "lets see how you and (ex) match up." I'm like "I just broke up with him THREE WEEKS AGO. Why would I want to do that?" And obviously I'm still getting over it and if I say anything bad about him, she'll say "oh, but don't say that about him, he was a nice guy." As if I didn't tell her about his passive-aggressive, @ss-holeish ways that ultimately ended this relationship. ("I feel like punching you in the face right now," he once said.)

I am about to curse her the f*ck out, because her skull is just too thick. What should I do?




  1. sounds to me like she is trying to get you two back together, now what would be her motive for this? maybe he is behind it. If it was me and i was being abused in such a way and left the women for it and my friend was doing that( which i know they would not) id tell them to shut the F up!

    Tracey is absolutely right, a friend is not there to judge but to lend support by lending a ear in a time of need.

  2. Just tell her, "I know you're just trying to make me feel better, but none of this is working. I don't want to know how the Internet feels about my compatibility. We had a really bad break-up, and I don't want to think about him right now."

  3. You have to tell her in clear and direct language that you appreciate that she is still not used to the idea of you and your ex not being together anymore but that it is a fresh breakup and something that you are still dealing with and her talking about it like it didn't happen is something you do not feel comfortable with or appreciate.

    Talk to her when you are not feeling angry or emotional. And tell her exactly how you would like her to support you during this period.

  4. Every friend should allow you at least one unreasonable complaint session about an ex and agree with you, at least passively and even if he or she doesn't privately agree. (Nod and say "Yeah" and "Hmmm" and "Yes, I remember when he/she did that to you."

    1) There are caveats: the sessions should be limited to one or two, not ad infinitum; and

    2) The listener should never say anything actively bad about the ex, in case they should get back together in the future (I speak from experience).

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