
What should I do about this friend?

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I have this friend who's my best friend and she won't stop copying me!!! She tries to get the same clothes, same shoes, same everything! She cut her hair to look like mine, and now she's reading my favorite series of books Twilight just because I read them over again. Anytime i bring this up to her she just denies it. What should i do? It's really annoying me! = (




  1. You just tell her you wont be her friend if she doesn't stop act like you don't  know her or like her

  2. You should actually be very flattered. When people copy you they usually are copying you because they think you are very cool. If its annoying you though you should tell her. Now maybe you could help her discover her own style by planning a day at the mall to help her go find her perfect look. Good luck!  

  3. Well if she is copying you, you should take her somewhere like the mall or something to give her a new look, or get a look that's impossible to copy!

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