
What should I do about this idiot at work? Read on.....?

by  |  earlier

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He keeps telling me I look like a car made of ropes and pickles and he tells everyone else too. I feel stupid and that all the other workers agree with what he says :-(




  1. What the !!! Is this a serious question?

    I doubt it. As far as insults go, this is pathetic.

    You've had your little laugh, now go & consider why you couldn't come up with a better question.

  2. What is a car made of ropes and pickles?

  3. Thats quite a vivid imagination! Why dont you make up something wilder and select the right moment to pass it around. If you cant get even with that, give him a friendly punch over a few beers but make sure to break his ribs!

  4. Sounds like a bully. You can get help for that and you're not entitled to put up with that. You do a google and lots of websites will come up about bullies at work. Can you get a colleague to back you up?

  5. No he doesn't.  

  6. He wants you to say something stupid in return.  Then he will repeat that back to you like the two of you have a "private game" going.  Just keep your head up and keep walking. /

  7. Ask him if he  knows what a girl really likes ,and when he says no what  say i didn't think so.

  8. I love the thought of someone being made of ropes and pickles.  How lovely you must be.  I think he may fancy you as the pickle bit is such a lovely compliment.

  9. ah diddums! tell him to go away & ignore him

  10. Talk to your boss about him.  If it is your boss, talk to his boss about him.

  11. what a horrible person, id change my job  

  12. Hes an idiot, ignore him because his insults are rubbish and do not even make much sense. He is also pathetic for taking time to come up with a c**p insult like that and also for being mean to you. Just Laugh to yourself next time because you know that you're a better person than him and that you're not pathetic like him

  13. He sounds like a insecure idiot, and picking on you is making him fell better. Next time just burst out laughing and ask him if he has looked in a mirror lately and say something about his appearance. If you just keep taking it he is not going to stop.

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