
What should I do about this now?

by  |  earlier

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I am 22. I went to a really big motivational speaker thing with my mom & one of the guys that heads it (who is probably about twice my age, but still really cute) befriends me. At first we're cool. Then at a follow up meeting today I was wearing this really cute (and s**y) outfit, no low cut cleavage and booty shorts, just a really form-fitting knee length skirt/short sleeve shirt combo. I saw him checking me out..........he's cute though so I did not mind. Anyway we got into a part of the program where we were meditating and going deeper and deeper into our minds, eyes closed etc.

He led the meditation session. & the whole way through the images that came into my mind were just him and me in bed together while he whispered the meditation stuff into my ear. It was like he had total control over me.....and just kissed me the whole way through...everywhere.

What should I do? I mean he is a friend of mine and I want to keep in touch with him. What do you think he thinks of me? How would he react to this? Do you think he has any idea?




  1. It's a exciting visualization but the purpose of meditation is to relax and that does not sound like low adrenaline levels to me.

    Listen, you know they were your thoughts, nothing wrong with them.  Keep the thoughts to yourself and be casual friends.

  2. what you wore was pretty suggestive  

  3. You really want to know?  You're not going to like it...

    He thinks you're easy prey.  He thinks he can have you.  He thinks it will be easy enough to flatter you and tell you how lovely you are and get you into bed.  

    And once he's got what he wanted, he won't be interested in you any more.  No more erotic meditation sessions.  Just you wondering why he doesn't return your calls.

    And he's done it before, with other young women.  He's had practice.  He's not an amateur at this; he's not nervous or unsure of himself.  He's confident that he can have you.  And after you, he'll do it again with someone else.

    He is twice your age.  He is in a relationship that gives him power over you.  It would be like getting involved with a teacher or a minister/priest.  It's wrong, and he knows it.  

    If I were you, I'd keep well away from him.  There are thousands of men in the world who could be wonderful partners for you.  This man's appeal lies in his power, and he is abusing it.  Run away as fast as you can and don't go back.

  4. No, he is not your friend; during the meditation he revealed to you his intentions and you reveal to him yours; the things that were revealed are way beyond friendship and I believe you know that by wearing what you were wearing; it wasn't all that conservative and you admit you enjoyed him checking you out.

  5. He can't know what was going on inside your head unless he is a mind reader among his other talents.

    He's obviously good at the motivational thing though ~ he got you going :-)

    Unless he's married (or you are), why not just ask him if he'd like to meet you for a coffee one day to talk abit more about your experience of the workshop.

    If there's a connection, he'll say yes and things will follow on from there.

    If he's not that interested, he'll say no and you can move on.

    If he says yes and you find that on closer knowledge he's an experienced user with a glib line and bedroom eyes, no harm done ~ at least you'll know.

    Cheers :-)

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