
What should I do about this situation in my family?

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I feel like there is no one else I can go to about this. My mother doesn’t want to get involved and I don’t speak to my father. My aunt is her mother and my other aunt has heard this before and they don’t do anything. So, my cousin and I are 7 months apart in age. When we were young, we were very close. She, her mother, brother, step dad, step brother and sisters moved to Chicago for his work. I was 17 when she moved. She made a life there and forget all her friends and me. She never called me or wrote me. I had to do all that. I got fed up and stopped contacting her. Occasionally my mother and I visited her family and when we did she was so happy to see me. We would talk for hours and eat ice cream and watch movies. It was nice. We were best friends again. She would complain about how much she hated her step sisters. How annoying they were and she didn’t want anything to do with them. Then she and her boyfriend of 1 year and a few months were pregnant. It was a mistake and the family wanted her to get an abortion. I thought it was great, but she was only 22. My mother was 20 when she had me, so they had something else in common to hang over my head. Bitter am I? Maybe since she was my mother’s dream child and I was a disaster. My cousin was the cheerleader; the pretty girl; skinny, funny, who had many friends and boyfriends. Never even got a C in school, never flinched, no flaws, no nothing. I was the outcast, the loser, the liar. I went through klepto faze when I was younger that I outgrew. I know it was bad, but no father, a mother who spoiled me constantly with material things instead of the proper attention I needed. Yeah, I was the problem child of the family. They put her up on a pedi-stool. So, now pregnant and with a loving boyfriend, who was accepted right away in the family, they did what any one would. They were married in March of 07. She was so excited. She made me the maid of honor. We were, after all, best friends. Then one day I get a call from my aunt, her mom. I told her how excited I was about being her maid of honor. She was confused because she said that my cousin’s two step sisters were her maid of honors and told me to call my cousin to confirm. I did and she told me that her step father was paying for her wedding, so it was like she had no choice. And after all they were her sisters! She also wasn’t sure if I could pay for it all, so she took the “responsibility” away from me. I was very angry and hurt. But I kept it hidden. How wonderful it is to be in that position to know that I really meant something to her. Then behind my back, she makes it someone else because of peer pressure. But of course she didn’t want to leave me out. Oh no. So, she had me be a bride’s maid. My aunt made that possible for me. At first I refused. But my aunt pleaded with me. She even bought my dress. So, I did it and I did something else for her. I sang. She wanted me to sing our grandmother’s favorite song. My grandmother passed away when we were young. About year later, we got into an on-line fight about each other not accepting one another’s life. My bf stepped in and her husband stepped in. Bad things were said. She had told me that “my bf and I are lazy and not mature and she’s mature because she had a baby and got married.” My boyfriend graduated top of his class with a bachelor’s degree, with honors, in science and art. Lazy? Hmm... Nope. His parents gave him a choice, school or work. He chose school and now he’s working, not what he wanted to do, but he has a chance at a job with a great salary until he can find something in his field. She thinks I’m lazy because I work and that’s it. I see. I had to drop out of college because I took too many hard courses at once while working and I couldn’t handle it. I’ll go back someday. The way she talks about my boyfriend is so wrong. He is the nicest person I know. He would bed over back wards for me. He is working to support us. Right now we’re living with his parents and come next year we will be out on our own. She had to move out and into an apartment, but now they are living at her mom’s house to save for their own house.

So, it’s current and she still hates my boyfriend. She came over to spend time and all she did was say how bad my boyfriend is and that he is a loser. I deserve better. That’s her “outside opinion.” I think she sticks her outside opinion where it doesn’t belong and when people do that to her that’s when it matters. So, I got fed up. In an e-mail I wrote to her that she was jealous of my life. I had no baby and I’m 22. I can do what I want. She e-mailed me back. “Jealous? Ha! I graduated beauty school….twice. I have a career, you have a job!” (I work for a law firm, by the way. I’m a clerk.) “I have a husband and a baby, you have loser boyfriend. Why would I ever be jealous of you? Oh and if you ever throw my baby back in my face I’ll beat the c**p out of you.”

I wanted to write her back, but my bf wouldn’t let me. He said that she takes all logic out of everything and I don’t know when to let her yip yip out in the yard. I thought of talking to my mom, but she didn’t want to get involved and now my aunt has passed away and my cousin and I have to see each other for the memorial.

I wanted to maybe write her an e-mail about how I felt, but my bf thought it would do no good, “You are too nice and caring. You are all heart. She is no heart and a very mean person. Don’t bother. She won’t listen.” It’s not about revenge or being mean back to her. It hurts me that my own family can treat me so badly.

What should I do?




  1. Best advice I can give you hun, is just keep away from her & any other negative family members. You love your bf, he loves you, you are happy with him, stay with him & build a life away from your family members.

    If you meet on a family occassion, be civil, keep your cousin & the rest at arms length.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  2. forget about her your bf sounds loving and caring you don't need your side of family u can make ur own fam with ur strong and who cares wen u go back to school u could be 40 and go to college. i went when i was 30 and nothing is wrong with that.anyways maybe she is jealouse she stuck with a kid shes never gonna enjoy her teen yrs  and early 20's and those r the most fun yrs of our lives. enjoy ur life don't be in a hurry to have a baby until ur absolutly know ur gonna settle.

  3. ok I had a  cousin that caused trouble when my father was dying.What you must do it go on with your life.And go to your aunt's funeral for your  peace of mind.Your bf may want to think twice about going But if you need his support by all mean take him with you.Hopefully all will go well .Just remember if things start to go bad just leave it isn't worth the heartache.I have cut off all contact with my cousin now that my parents are deceased.And I feel just fine in my life without having her around.Remember peace of mind is the best thing for your life.

  4. I agree with your bf. Even if you wanted to take revenge on her, the greatest revenge you can get her is to lead a great and better life than she does, and not worry about little things like her. You already feel that way, so you have been successful. The harm is done, and you just need to let it go. At your aunt's memorial, unless she initiates a conversation with you, then you should just pretend she's invisible.

  5. i that was long but i read it all! ok she had a baby before she was ready and married, and that's against God's rules, so be proud that you respect yourself enough not to get into premarital s*x. now your cousin probably feels guilty that she had a baby before she was married and maybe she feels like she has to tell everyone all the good thingss she has don, like graduate from beauty school to cover up the fact that she had a baby before she was married, and she probably was jealous of you, because now she has baby and has thrown away her 20's because she now has a child to take care of and she can't enjoy the newlywed life, you're proud of your life righT? i don't see why not, you have a boyfriend, you have a job andd soon you'll be going to college, i was once told that "It only matters what you think of yourself" so at the memorial service, if you see her, you just ignore her, you don't have to say hi, she's acting like a child, when they say "oh i'm better than you" cmon thats like elementary stuff, i think you just need to go on with your life and leave her behind, you just keep your head up high, and remember that you are not going to stoop to her level =] Good luck!

  6. she is being immature but u r being more by satisfying her need for attention gosh just ignore her girl let her thk wtf she wants about u n ur bf u know him better u love him n nothing can chg that just ignore live ur life and laugh..good luck

  7. that's a lot. i know how you feel. my older sis was raised by my grandmother as a daughter. she was never on our level and my sister and i resented that. i had to step back and think about it from her stand point . she was abandoned by both parents and raised with a bunch of old people. what i am trying to say is it sounds like you are a little hurt and maybe if you get honest with yourself jealous too but also i can tell you she is jealous also. like you said you are single, free, all you decent salary going to you and only you, allyourr free time is yours and she has toworryy about baby hubbie and then probably herself. i should know. i have a live in bf as well as a 2year old and i  cant just pick up and go out when i want to. h**l i m jealous of you(lol). but seriously, look at it from her stand point, especially with that new information. she has all her life had to maintain and stay beautiful, then she gets knocked up, and has torestructurer her life. she is really probably bitter now.

    also i understand what you where trying to say but bring up someones baby while they are angry is just asking for it. and you can probably  benefit talking to a counselor, and maybe later bringing your mom along.  

  8. wowww i would not know what to do eitherr =[[ if i was in that situation i would probably have emailed her back because in these kind of situations, i like to get my feelings out that ive bottled up for so long like things that were left unsaid for so long. your bf is right in a way tho. he just doesnt want to see you get hurt anymore or get deeper into the fight. i know you probably just want everything to be the way it used to be back in the day. but things have changed alot with your family now. in a way you probably want her to be back in your life since she has been very important to you in the past but in another way its just too stressful to deal with everything. that is really wrong of her to bad mouth your boyfriend to your face. that is so rude. people need to know when to keep their mouth shut. i think you do need to tell her how you feel. its not good to keep everything inside. but dont critize her or diss her or else it is going to be an on going war. and then she wil do the same to you back. just right an email to her as if you were putting all of your feelings down on paper.

    and if she wants to make up then so be it and if she doesnt then thats the way it is going to be. you cant keep fighting for something to change. at a point, it is just not worth it anymore.  

  9. Honestly, she is miserable and trying to convince everyone, including herslef that everything is great.. I would just be civil and polite and nothing more.  You cant pick your family and sometimes you just have to deal with them.  Really it sounds like its time to move on and live your seperate lives.  Show them all your strength by being successful and happy. Anything else is just words.

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