
What should I do and do I have a right to be annoyed?

by  |  earlier

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I am a volunteer for Animal Control.I have been there for over 2 years and work approx.30 hours a week.Today I found out that the volunteer coordinator is bringing some one in from the outside that has no experience with animals to assist her with training and running the program.She does not care for me but I attempt to get along with her.

I felt like I was pushed aside and overlooked.My first reaction was feeling very hurt.I felt like some of the kennel staff should have attempted to stick up for me.Which I get along wonderful with all of them.I am considered a high level volunteer that is supposed to be able to train new people.I have also shown an interest in fund raising for the shelter.

Now what do I do.Pretend every thing is fine.Say some thing to the shelter supervisor. What do you think?




  1. you should be annoyed talk about it

    but dont act like you are seriously annoyed

    just be like come on i dont think you should of done she/he has no expierience and we're gonna take her in?

  2. the reactions are normal it is something that happens sometimes because of lack of consideration to others feelings and often on purpose. Many times the employee is as capable as the supervisor and is not wanted by the boss. The reactions you come up with only you can decide. I might suggest that you try to act like it does not bother you and start to search your options. Things might blow over and you might settle back into routines again, or there could be another position you are qualified for. Try to contact the SPCA.. there might be something in your area that you are able to do with them or even be able to open another shelter.  Who knows? good luck

  3. i would just go in and say sir or mam i have been working here a while and i have noticed that u have hired someone from the outside fro a higher job then me and i was wondering why i wasn't able to try to get the job ....

    then i would say i'm not trying to do your job but is there anyway i could possibly try out for the job...

    just be very professional and don't lashout and be irrashional just be very proper and polite!

    Good luck!!☺

  4. Yes, I think that you should talk to the volunteer coordinator and, if that doesn't help, speak to the supervisor. At least to let them know that you are available to help, that you feel overlooked, and that you want to be available for the next such opportunity.

  5. Say something, but keep it in a professional manor - dont yell, or get sarcastic or anything. Just talk it out as reasonable adults working together

    good luck

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