
What should I do and/or say????

by  |  earlier

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my child caught my husband and I having s* immediate reaction was just telling her to close the door....but what explanation do I give her......she was like "what are you guys doing!" what would you do???

she's only 4




  1. haha

    lock the door next time

  2. Tell her you guys were wrestling, then show her some WWE on TV so she understands. LOL  

  3. Tell her you were doing grown up stuff and that you'll tell her when she's older.

  4. shes 4 say you were playing leap frog or keep away

  5. "It's mommy and daddy's special alone time.  Please close the door and go back to bed.  I'll be in in a little while to check on you."

  6. most liekly she doesnt realize what you guys were can make it out like it was a game you guys play...but that only adults she seems like she knows more than she should..just have a talk with her about what she saw...the only explanation you can give other than the game is that is a way that ONLY mommy and daddys show they love each other very much.

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