
What should I do and.or say?

by  |  earlier

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my child caught my husband and I having s* immediate reaction was just telling her to close the door....but what explanation do I give her......she was like "what are you guys doing!".... what would you do???

she's only 4




  1. Well, I feel for ya.. really I do, nothing worse than being caught in general but it's worse when it's by a child.

    There's a number of things you could do.

    First, explain to her that you and daddy were just sharing some private special time that when she's alittle older she'll understand more about. Leave it at that. Move on to explain that when mommy and daddy's door is shut, she should always knock before coming in (then make sure the door IS in fact shut). Then, install some heavy duty, child resistant locks. Cause you KNOW a kid will occasionally to forget to knock.

    From there on, you should be in the clear. At least, until the day comes that you REALLY have to explain about s*x to her.

    Good Luck!

  2. If she doesn't bring it up again I wouldn't. I have three kids and I've never had that happen, but I do know she's to young to be told about s*x. You can tell her that when mommies and daddies love each other they like to cuddle just like they love to give her big hugs. I'd leave it at that. Good luck!

  3. always awkward.  DO NOT LET IT PASS WITHOUT TALKING TO HER.  Mostly because she's going to come out with a question about it in a very public place when you least want her to.

    just explain in age appropriate terms what was happening.  Tell her when mommy and daddy's door is closed, she is to knock and not enter until she is told it is alright.  Make it seem all very normal and nothing to get upset about.  The less of a deal you make of it, the less she'll think about it.

    Also, don't forget to lock your door.

  4. as a mother, this has always been one of my greatest fears!

    I know this won't be of much help, because I can't think of what I should advise you to say, but just explain it calmly (don't tell her what s*x is yet, she's way to young) but maybe you could just lie and say something like, "Mommy and Daddy were just cuddling." Don't make a big deal out of it, she'll forget it in no time!

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