
What should I do.. any opinion?

by  |  earlier

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ok, me and this guy haven't talk for almost 1year and 6months now..

he is my ex-bestfriend.. we start not to talk with each other can be because of our class is far far away from each other.. recently, i really miss to talk with him.. :(.. I'm a straight guy.. If i tell him I miss him.. does that mean i'm g*y? .. btw, how should i tell him I miss him? ( i dont even have his phone number )

* No YM, IM, Myspace.. :(




  1. That doesn't mean your g*y.. It mean's your capable of sensing emotions. Boys... *sigh* (lol)

    Anyways, you don't have to say, "OH, MY EX-FRIEND, I MISS YOOUUUUUUUU SOOOO MUUUUUCCHHHH!!!" That would be... kind of, uh, suggesting that your g*y. Just say, "Hey, I know that I haven't talked to you in a long time, but I miss being friends with you. Could we talk?" or something like that.

    As to how, just ask around. Ask people if they know where he is, and stuff. :] That's about all I can say!

  2. If you miss your friend tell him so. Just let him know you really miss how you always talked and hung out before.Maybe he is also missing you, Make the first step to find out where he is. Friends, true loyal friends ,are "medicine" for the soul.I don't  know what I would do without my good friends.Friendship is a great blessing for anyone.

  3. just be like hey dude havent talked to you in while how u been? missed hanging out with u as a friend hope this helps [:

  4. i am taking it that u are still in school, so if u happen to see him or run into him in the hallway or something... just try making conversaton with him... or try to catch up with him... get to know him again... and he may feel the same way but may not want to let it show so he stays away... but if u miss him, u shouldnt be tht affraid of making small talk with him... hope this helps good luck [:

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