
What should I do as a father when my son is jnjured during a fight?

by Guest32237  |  earlier

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My son is 15 years old. Recently in order to get the favor of a beautiful girl, he fought violently with his best friend. He was a little injured and so was his friend. What should I do?




  1. don't fight over a woman (girl)not worth it.

    more fish in the sea

  2. You must teach him that that was wrong and try to make him more mature and rational. It's your job.  

  3. Teach him that fighting over stupid things like girls is stupid! And it doesn't impress the girls one bit either. Teach him that using violence is never the right answer to solve any problem but he does need to learn to defend himself. If the fight was started by the other guy that would be different.

  4. make sure he is ok and then tell him there is no woman on this earth worth fighting for..just "get a favor of"

  5. thats a tough one. well did he win ? idk wat u shud do telll him goood job ? give him advice on how ta talk ta tha girl without fighting mabeyy idkk its a vague question

  6. Teach him that fighting is wrong unless its self defense.  Also talk to him and let him know if a girl needs to him to fight his best friend in order for her to like him then she is not a girl worth liking.  He can do better.  Try to see if he and his friend can work it out.  Chances are they can.  Girls will come and go but good friends are hard to come by.  

  7. Teach him how to fight, in case he really needs to!

  8. well i got in a fight

    my sophomore year

    [ima girl.btw.]

    && i got suspended from school

    and arrested for disturbing the peace

    then trouble at home

    i was grounded for the whole suspention

    & i had too pay my fine

  9. need more details. If he has to do that to win a girls favor then the girl is probably not worth it, depending on the situation, though your son would disagree, you'll have to explain to him that the more friendships he breaks the more the domino effect gets around and once the girl leaves his life the chance of meeting other girls may slim.  

  10. Bless-boys will be boys eh? Explain to him that while it was sweet he liked this girl so much, girls don't like boys fighting! If both he and his friend were injured then at least the fight was fair. Don't tell him he's a big man for fighting, or pat him on the back but be there for him.

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