
What should I do as a parent. Should I be worried.

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My daughters are 14 and 12. They were fighting for days and I don't know why until yesterday. The 14 year old tell me that her sister wants a little sister because she wants to play with babies and is going to tell me one day to have a 3rd child and she herself don't want me to have it because she don't want to babysit. She is afraid that I might listen to her little sister and have a 3rd child. I have no plans to have a 3rd child and never said I will. I am not pregnant. I don't understand why my kids are arguing because of something that is not going to happen. They are having a highly disagreement with each other and are getting along very well because of that. My kids are not bad, rude, or bored kids. They are good and intelligent kids. They are honor students. But I still am afraid that I might not be quite understanding their problem. Should I be worried. What can I do as a parent.




  1. As a parent you can just sit them both down and say 'there will be no other baby, i am the adult, it is my body and my life... if you want to play with more baby's i will find you a babysitting job'.  at the end of the day it is your life, it is your body... so them fighting over this is ridiculous!

  2. give them back.

  3. There is probably something more to this problem., that they may not even understand. You need to sit down with them together and the three of you talk. Make it relaxing...have a pizza and make it a fun night, get to the bottom of whats going on.

  4. I think the younger one may have told the older one that she would like a little brother or sister and somehow it rolled into a full fledged arguement...sit them down and talk to them about it.

  5. I wouldn't worry, the 12 year old is acting normal and so is the teenager who wants the world to revolve around her.

    I can still remember my oldest daughter upset with her younger sister for not agreeing with her! It was the first time she had not. I know its silly but that is the way they grow and learn.

    The teenager needs to remember that life does not revolve around her on the other other hand you might find some friends who do have babies to let your daughter baby sit a few times. Maybe she will change her mind about a little sister ;-)

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