I'm a live-in nanny during my summers away from college and have been for a few years now. I've never really had a problem with discipline before, but the 5 year-old girl I care for has become extremely defiant lately. She refuses to do anything that is asked of her, and responds with screaming, a stare to the face and says no, or lays in the floor and throws a tantrum, the last of which resulted in her busting my lip after a kick to the face. Her dad, who works 12-14 hours a day for these kids, gave me permission to spank her, but that hasn't worked. I've tried time-out, grounding and removing her toys and tv from her room, and now she's standing in a corner and has been for over an hour. She's VERY argumentative, and time-out and/or grounding have worked in the past, resorting to spanking last. I usually have them sit for one minute per year of age, and then ask why i had to put them there, and if they're ready to behave, usually with positive results.