
What should I do different about my makeup?

by  |  earlier

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  1. maybe some light colored lip gloss and blush. maybe some braces too

  2. go to my website there you can upload your picture and play with color and hair!

  3. i think your make up is fine your pretty but i would grow your bangs a littlemore would look better and i like you with glasses

  4. maybe some eyeliner on the bottom lid?

    and try more mascara for bigger eyelashes! :]

  5. you just want attention.and the last pic is somewhat disgusting.

  6. omG u hav such pretty eyes - i would excentuate the eyes and not wear anything on lips, cheeks or skin (unless u need to cover sumthin up)

    you should throw in some fun colors like- -

    purple or greenish blue eyeliner (A liTtLe BiT! put on lightly

    with shimmery light brown eye shadow and black or brown mascara


    you can put the eyeliner on heavy (but not too much)

    make it noticeable) with skin color eye shadow  and brown mascara


    just dont put the eyeliner on heavy W/ the brown eye shadow

    do either or

    hope i helped

  7. your make up looks nice, you're very pretty--- i like how you did your eyes--  maybe just lip liner to accentuate your lips and make them fuller---people are doing that now, or wearing two different color lipsticks and lip liner.

    but you look very pretty and natural.    

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