
What should I do for a 8 hour and 45 minute flight from AZ to FL?

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My mom is going with me to Super Soap Weekend.I have a DS(Next generation gameboy) I like writing Scripts.Maybe I could write about my experience at SSW or maybe my mom will loan me her laptop just for the flight.




  1. Bring along a good, but easy, read for the flight, in addition to the other suggestions! :)

  2. i'm flying to florida to !!! im not gonna sleep to much before so i can sleep on the plane. then im bringing magazines, a book printed out a bunch of pages on my destination, gel pens and a note book im gonna make a bucket list of easy things not like see paris but like swim with dolphins stuff that i can do on the trip and see what i can get done on the trip stuff like that good luck and have fun!

                   -x-o- diva 101

  3. Fly another airline!  That is only a 5 hour flight from California, lol

    I bring my portable dvd player with me, 2 movies and we are already landing :)

  4. Join the "Skymile High" club!!  Could change your world!

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