
What should I do for her?

by  |  earlier

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Last Christmas I spent about $300 on christmas presents for the love of my life. She didn't like that too much and initially she didnt take any of the gifts that I got her, she left them with me for about a week. She got me presents though so I didnt understand why I couldnt get her gifts too. It was our first Christmas together and this year she says she not gonna take my gifts. I already plan on not listening to her cause I already have ideas already :P. She knows I have money so that isnt the issue. She says she doesnt want me spending my money on her. If it were any other woman id consider them a gold digger for wanting something from me but this is my honeysauce and I gladly buy her presents if it would make her face light up. Only problem is that it doesnt :P she looked angry on Christmas and almost angry on Valentines day (I didnt spend that much :P) but all in all she loves all the gifts because I love her and I know what she wants/likes.

My question is what should I do this year? Theres no way im not going to get her anything for Christmas, shes much too important to me. Is she faking me out by saying she doesnt want anything when she really does? How should I go about this because she swears up and down that this year she wont be taking anything from me.




  1. wow looks like she wants more love from you than any object maybe you should give her a nice lovin :D

  2. research on the five love languages.

  3. just organise (by yourself no caterers) a nice dinner at home with her .. candle lit a romantic tuoch to it... after taht .. well ill let you decide what you want to do after that. lol if you know what i mean.. just give her flowers and a card or somehting.. dont get her somehting too expensive because if she loves you.. that dinner will surely show how much she really does love you and reveil to her how much you really love her.. dress nicely and MAKE IT A SURPRISE like pick her up from somewhere or osemthing then come home for a beauttiful dinner of like roast beef or somehting.. make it yourself ! if your cooking isnt that good then get a recipe book and if tat doesnt work. just make it anyway youve got money

    if she loves you she wont mind.. its the thought taht counts.. I HOPE I HELPED and hope yourr relation ship goes AWOMSE!! you kno

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