
What should I do for him?

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My brother recently lost a very close friend of his due to cancer and he's heartbroken. He cries constantly and he even missed several days of school because he was grieving too much. It's painful to watch him suffer so much and I just want to help make him feel better...what should I do to help him heal?




  1. aaww hun. that's so sweet that you care about your brother.

    but honestly, there really isn't anything you can do. just let him know that you'll be there for him and that you're always there to talk or anything. give him a hug and tell him how much you love him. but the truth is he will probably never completely heal. but with time, it will get better. also, suggest maybe doing something good, like starting a fundraiser for cancer and giving money to the hospital that his friend was at.

    i'm so sorry about his loss. i wear my livestrong bracelet every day.  

  2. I'm sorry that's sad. Let him cry and make sure he knows you love him. Find a good picture of your brother and his friend and put it in a nice frame. Let your brother know you are there for him if he needs to talk.

  3. He has to grieve in his own way and in his own time.  He will have to heal in his own time as well.  Don't make the mistake of just telling him to "cheer up".

    (Not saying you'd do that, but people have done that to me before and it made me very upset and angry.)

    You can help by being there for him if he wants to talk or cry or go for a walk, etc.

    You can help by being understanding if he is sad or angry or can't speak to anyone.

    There are grief counselors who can help your brother and you with this.

    I am glad that you care about your brother so much.

  4. Just be their for him. Has he considered maybe going to therapy? When i lost my mom i went to The Solace House. It is group therapy for people of your age group *Different sessions for each age* And they can let their feelings out and talk about losing a loved one, a friend.

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