
What should I do for my Sweet 16? 10 pts easily?

by  |  earlier

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I am about to turn 16!!! :D What kind of party should I have? I do have access to a pool/jucuzzi/club house.

A beach that is 5 hours away (I could rent a beach house for a weekend with two friend) -it would be from a friend of ours-

I'm on about a 250$ budget.

What can I do? I want it different from every oridinary pool party (if i have one, i do like every year)

Any ideas??? It doesn't have to involve swimming or going to the beach, just something different, low in cost, and fun!

I want it to be special!


BTW if you say get drunk or something stupid I WILL report you!




  1. Why is this in the news section.  Goto the kiddy section.

  2. u can try 2 think of a certain theme or something special u always wanted 2 do and then norrow it down 2 where u can afford it

                                               hope that helps!!!!

        and happy sweet sixteen

  3. Why don't you go to a homeless shelter and give presents to sixteen year olds who don't have anything at all?

    Oh, no, wait, you've managed to survive for 16 years and so you deserve a big party for that.

  4. It would really be cool to have a Hawaiian theme party at the beach. You could have volleyball or badminton. Oh and everyone could wear those grass skirts. I think that that would be pretty cool.

    PS: If you want to order stuff for your birthday, this website has some good deals and it also has a lot of cool stuff. Have a GREAT birthday!

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