
What should I do for my daughter?10 points for best answer.?

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I am going to have a c-section on 9-9-08 which is my other daughters 4th birthday.I don't know what to do since she has always had a birthday party since her first year.But now that I know that it is not going to be possible since I am going to be in the hospital having a baby that same day.She already knows that her b-day is coming up and I don't want her to feel neglected because of the new baby.what should I do?Do you have any ideas of something that i could do for her for her b-day.Thanks a bunch.




  1. Celebrate it a frew days sooner, and explain to her that she is going to have an early birthday because little baby sister/brother needs to come out to meet I mean you may not feel up to doing the bday party for her after the c section so its best to do it before...hope this helps...please be prepared that she may be a little upset that she has to share her birthday.

  2. change your c section date to the 12th and then have mommy and girl time.. walks in the park, movies, library time, eat lunch somewhere ,

    go to a zoo ..and have a little party with one or 2 of her little friends with her favorite cartoon- balloons- make a cake- make an art project and then have her pick something special going to a matinee or maybe

    watching aspecial movie at your house. you cna make it small and special and not break the bank.

  3. Tell her you are getting her a new baby Brother or Sister from Heaven and you must be in the hospital because that is the appointed time that Jesus is comeing .

    By her something you know she will like and be sure to talk to her on the phone once the new baby is here. Then be sure to tell her you love her and you soon will becomeing home with baby Brother or Sister.

    Dont under estamate a four year old because they are much smarter than we realise,i have a GranDaughter that is 5 years old "What a Sweet Heart"

  4. I would have her party a day or two before your c-section that way she's still the center of attention for her party and you will have more time to devote to her since you have another little one about to make her grand entrance into the world. I would try to pick a theme that she really loves and go out of your way to make it perfect for her, that way when you go to have the baby, she'll understand a little better and it might make the transition a little easier for her. You might also trying to tell her that next year, her and her little sister will have a big birthday party together. Congrats and good luck.

  5. I would just say personally to have a party a day before. Or even that weekend before if you have to. Also, ask her what she really wants and if you can get it then get it for her. Just make it special you know? Decorate and invite people, just like a regular party, im sure she will understand what is going on. Its not like you totally forgot about her. Just do a little extra and show your appreciation to your daughter : ).

  6. First of all, congratulations on your new baby!  I hope the c section goes smoothly and I know you will be so happy to hold your new little baby in your arms.

    Your daughter would do well with an early birthday, but I would play up the fact that she is getting the best present of all - a new baby or sister, born right on her birthday.  Tell her that it will be someone that she will be able to love and help you take care of, and someone to play with when the baby gets older.  If you try to approach it with excitement and let her know that she is part of welcoming her new baby sister or brother, it will make all the difference.  let her pick out some gifts for the baby, if you haven't already done so.  god bless and may you all be healthy.

  7. She's only four, so I don't think it would be that big of a deal just to have her party a few days early. I wouldn't wait until after, because you will be recovering and having to deal with the new baby. Maybe do something special or different (Chuck E. Cheese if you normally have home parties, or something like that)- since she's 4, she won't even put that much thought into it, she'll just be excited that it's happening even sooner. My only concern would be in the future for the two kids having to share the same birthday- if there is any way to delay your c-section slightly I would for that reason (unless of course it is having to be done for some sort of health reasons, not just for convenience.)

  8. Nothing is better than an early bday,right?

  9. celebrate before the baby comes..take her on a mommy daughter day///just the two of you.

  10. Before you have the C section, have a shopping day just with her.  To spoil her before the baby arrives!!!

  11. My daughters are not born on the same day but my daughter did have a very hard time adjusting to the new addition. I knew she would, so to try and help her, when I had the baby, we threw her a Big Sister party at the hospital. Nothing elaborate, pretty plates, napkins, hats and a cake. And of course, we all bought her a present. Some people just brought a coloring book and crayons but she was still thrilled that she was getting a present every time me or the baby did. It actually made it all a lot easier. BOL

  12. First of all CONGRATS on the new baby... Second of all it's never easy trying to make everyone happy but sometimes you have to do what is best for you. After you have your c-section you will not be able to do anything so if you can try to plan something for her before you go into the hospital. It wouldn't be a party she is use to but you could go to her favorite resturant or favorite movie so that way she doesn't feel left out.  Once you are feeling alot better then you could plan the party she wanted and it would be alot of fun.Best wishes to all of you.  

  13. Most children this age do not understand a calendar.  You can still have a birthday party for her just do it on a different day.  I would suggest you do it a few days before the c-section so all focus is on her and not the new baby.  If she already knows that her birthday is on this day then still have an early party and then give her a special present the day the baby is born.  I think it's awesome that you will have two kids with the same birthday.  That's very rare and Congrats.

  14. reponder YOUR thinking. YOU are giving her a sibling and make her understand such as she grows older, That is the ultimate.

  15. Celebrate it at the hospital, after the birth of the new baby.

    It will be hard, considering that you're still in pain but it should be manageable with the support of your spouse. First, I recommend that you actually tell your daughter of this plan, and have her understand the importance of her birthday and the birth of the new sister. Tell her once every two days so that it sinks in.

    On her birthday, have a very private and special birthday 'party' for her at home. Just you, her and your spouse as you have a birthday cake and presents. Celebrate it intimately, have her feel the special closeness and love you have for her. Then, go to the hospital and have the baby, after explaining to her what is going to happen ie that she's going to have a baby sister. Have her stay home with a loved one to dress up/play with her toys while waiting for the birth. Alternatively, she could follow you to the hospital (all dressed up) so that she can be a part of it.

    Give about an hour or two after the scheduled C-section to be completed before having invited "guests" over. Have your room decorated with balloons and streamers (or something) and have a birthday cake as well - with BOTH their names. Or, two birthday cakes with her name, and the new sister. When the guests come to see the baby, they are to be told that it's a birthday celebration for both the baby and your girl - so presents are required. Eating cake is also required. :) Make sure that your first-born is not neglected while everyone tends to fawn over the baby.

    Having it this way would show her that she's going to (i) share her birthday with her sister always (ii) she is special, her sister is also special (iii) she is not forgotten even though she has a new sister.

    Yes, it will be hard as you're still in pain from the C-section. Kids are very intelligent and if you explain to them before-hand, I believe that they will understand. They may not be emotionally able to supress the more 'negative' aspects but that actually helps you in dealing with it. As long as she feels like she's a part of the family, before - during - after the birth, I'm sure she will be fine.

    Grats on the new baby and good luck. :)  

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