
What should I do for my essay about g*y marriage?

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my mom said I have to do a essay about g*y marriage or I have to go to summer school next year, so what should I do for it?

I'm actually g*y but she doesn't know...unless she's guessed or something...cause I have no clue why she'd choose this and insist on it, should I state my opinions about it or just stick with the generic stuff so she doesn't really find out that I'm g*y? not that I don't want her to kinda guess..but idk if I should





  1. I think she has the idea that you're g*y.  No mother would ask you to write an essay out of no where like that.  

    I think she wants to see if you support it, and if you do then she will pretty much know you're g*y since that further justifies her suspicions.

    I think you should state your opinions.  Be yourself and tell her what you really think.  She's your mother and she will accept who you are because she loves you.

    Good luck! =)  

  2. Be genuine and write about your true feelings and thoughts about g*y marriage from your own thoughts and perspectives. Only way to go, and good luck! I hope you enjoy the experience.

  3. There is no right or wrong.  Just write what you think is right.

    As your g*y I guess your going to write it in support of g**s.

    If thats how it is for you then just do it.  

    Here on Answers you have lots of material and opinions to review so that lets you write a balanced view.  

  4. She asked you to do an essay about g*y marriage, so I think she knows and she's trying to get you to express your feelings about it.

    If it would bother you that she knew you were g*y without telling her yourself when you're older and more comfortable telling her (even though she might already know or suspect it) then I think you should keep it netural. If you want her to possibly know, then be honest.

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