
What should I do for my husband on his birthday?

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Saturday is my husbands birthday and we have pretty much no money. I just had a car accident (wasn't my fault, but still cost us a few expenses up front) and because we don't have any money to spare I'm not sure what to do for him for his birthday that would still make it special. Any ideas?




  1. Rich or Poor a B.J. always works.

  2. thats rough i hope things get better! but i suggest just spend the whole day with him and take him to his favorite place at the end of the day! or throw a surprise party and  have your friends and family bring the food so you wont have to buy! haha enjoy it!

  3. Wear a mini-skirt with no underwear and tell him he can do whatever he wants to you.  If my wife did that for my birthday, I'd be the happiest man alive, and it would cost her nothing.

  4. make him breakfast in bed wearing negligee...and eat with him

  5. As i'm a husband who is over looked on his birthday, anniversary, and other holidays. My advise to you is that you know your husband look at the little things that make him smile, a night with the just the two of you, a movie, home cooked meal and privacy. A card goes a long way to make him feel he's acknowledged on his birthday.

  6. My hubby's b-day is on saturday also. But I don't celebrate cause I'm a stingy Jehovah Witness who things he doesn't deserve anything

  7. Ask him....  

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