
What should I do for our one year anniversary? any advice appreciated!!!?

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My bf and I are having our one year anniversary soon. He is taking me to a really nice resort for a fancy dinner and a night of hotel s*x. I want to do something (a gift? an event? something s**y? i don't know what) that shows him how crazily happy he makes me and how in love with him i am. we are 24 and 25.

any and all advice is appreciated! what have you done for a partner/had a partner do for you that was special? what would you want a parnter to do for you? do you have any gift ideas?


please answer!!




  1. Well for one, make sure you spice your night at the hotel, with getting a s**y lingerie that will have him standing on his toes. Plan a night that he wont ever forget (basically) Getting him alittle gift wont hurt either, something really nice, like jewlery, whatever the man will surely like. Amazing, Exotic s*x, is the best thing you can give a man on the night of their anniversary. Thats all they want, trust me. Have fun :)

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