
What should I me out..........?

by  |  earlier

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the other night my friend and I had a sleep over at her house.....this guy texted her and asked her if we wanted to come to a party...and she said yes....she asked me if I wanted to go and seh told me her friend Matt was really nice so I said yes....he came and picked us up and we snuck out of her house.....she didn't tell me until he picked us up that he was 19....I didn't wanna go anymore but my friend kept saying we'd stay a while a leave.. when we got to the party he introduced us to one of his other friends named dylan and he was 19 we all went upstairs to talk and then my friend and Matt went downstairs to get a beer and I was still in there with that guy Dylan....I just sat there,and we were talking...and he said I was cute... then he put his arm around me and asked if I wanted to hook up abnd I said no..I told him I was gonna leave. and he pulled me back and he was like "you're not leaving untilI get something from you" then he started kissing me.. and then he held me down and started to have s*x with me....afterwards I went and told my friend and her friend matt and they confronted the guy and he said it was no big deal..that he wasn't trying to hurt friend told me not to tell her parents or mine cuz we'd get in trouble for sneaking out....what should I do....I know I shouldn't have been there but I didn't mean for that to happen...

btw I'm 14 and my friend is 15




  1. well wat i think u should do is talk to ur friend about not teling u and stuff kuz its kinda her dault that she did this to u, and the guy but i think u shouldnt make it a big deal, but that is serious. i would talk to like someone that is not ur parents or something, cuz then u can get ur feelings out and stuff

  2. please tell a responsible adult and then go to the police....its called rape and you should not have to keep it a secret. Please speak up

  3. that is considered rape if he had s*x with you and you didnt want it. Also you should have tried to hold back more if you reallly didnt want it and tell him to stop kissing you. Im so sorry this happened to you. Your friend isnt the bestest friend for leaving you then telling you not to tell anyone that is wrong im sorry.

  4. you need to tell your parents or their parents.. you need to do something about it. thats terrible and people like him are so irresponsible and just ridiculous. go tell someone it isnt very smart of you to not say a thing because you both will get in trouble. youll make new friends if she gets mad. who cares.

  5. She's not your friend,it's like she knew it was going to happen,he RAPED you.

    Tell your parents and the police.

    Disgusting little guy.

  6. Tell your parents or a trusted mature adult and report the incident, this is NOT your fault, if you said NO it was RAPE>..

  7. you definitely need to tell some one. maybe not your parents, but maybe a trusted older sibling? you should also ask the person you talked with to escort you to the doctor or a free clinic or something, because there is a chance you are pregnant or you might have contracted an std from that guy. you should also tell the police because that is rape and he could get arrested and fined for it, maybe even put in jail.  

  8. tell your parents! they'll understand.

  9. Well duh you tell her parents. Some dude raped you. That isn't fair to you. She isn't taking this seriously. You need to go to the police, your parents and her parents about this. It was basically her fault because she made you go. If I was you, I wouldn't still be friends with her. She let you get raped and didn't care. Rape is a huge deal.

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