
What should I do if I am interested in lasik laser eye surgery?

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where should i start, and how should i go about it




  1. I would strongly advise that you thoroughly research the risks involved with getting LASIK and consider why you want it. It is not as successful as it is purported to be, and many people deal with annoying or debilitating side effects from "successful" surgeries. This IS surgery and elective surgery should be considered carefully.

    In a nutshell: many machines today correct an area of the eye that is smaller than your pupil when it is dilate in low light. Read: at night, your pupil extends to an uncorrected area, so that area of your pupil still has its poor vision. Result: haloeing, night vision, headaches, etc. Many offices do not correctly measure the diameter of your pupils in darkness but readily recommend you for surgery.

    I came very close to getting the surgery last summer, but once I read about halos, night vision, etc, I realized it wasn't worth it. I also was wary of the physical pain and discomfort that many deal with. My eyesight is much too precious to me to risk having a lower quality vision for convenience sake.

    Do not base your decision on what the companies themselves say. There

  2. My advice would be to talk to to your family, friends and co-workers. Then ask your family, friends and co-workers to talk to their family, friends and get the idea. I found my surgeon by word of mouth. I asked everyone I know if they had Lasiks (or knew anyone who had Lasiks), and what doctor they went to. Almost everyone I talked to in my area went to the surgeon I ended up going to, and everyone was perfectly satisfied. I went into the procedure very confident!

    Just one other thing....I went to a doctor who used computerized, laser equipment. No knives were involved. But, it cost me a pretty penny. I paid $5500 for both eyes, but I was not comfortable going to a doctor that advertised in the newspaper for $500 per eye. Sometimes you get what you pay for! Good luck to you!

  3. I have been dying to do it! I have few friends that have done and they love it. I went to my normal eye doctor and he said I should wait til im 23 (im 20) because your vision changes til about that age. They have a lot of clinics. I would just google it and best of luck.

  4. First off, are you at least 21 years old? Secondly, what state do you live in? Have you been seen by an Optometrist or Ophthamologist recently? Let me know what state and I'll try and give you a few names/places to go if you haven't already been seen by anyone. Good luck!

  5. Before you make a decision, get as much information as you possibly can. This is very important. First, get a pre-surgery information session and consultation to check whether you are a candidate for lasik laser eye surgery or not. Make sure you know about any risks involved, and the chances of risks in your case. The actual procedure is probably about 20 minutes, but there is a healing process afterwards. Also, stop wearing contacts a few days before your check-up because they sometimes tend to change the shape of your eyes very slightly and the surgeons need proper measurements for the procedure.

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