
What should I do if I found out that a cute little kitten was living under my shed?

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When I looked in my backyard the other day, I saw this black and white kitten run under my shed. I don't know what I should do! I already have two other cats, I don't want to keep anymore, but this is a cute little kitten. Help me please!!




  1. u should take he/she in and see if anyone is missing that cat or if it has a caler

  2. I wouldn't take it to a shelter.  Shelters are great because they help control the overwhelming number of stray animals, but they unfortunately have to euthanize the majority of them.  If you have enough room in your house I would take it in even if you don't keep it. That way you can nurse it back to health if it is skinny and hungry or beat up.  You could give it away to a free home by either asking around or advertising it in your newspaper.  Try asking co-workers, neighbors, family members, or you can even put up a sign at the grocery store or a vet's office.  Keep in mind that it is probably a wild kitten and needs human attention ASAP or it may become a wild/stray cat who hates people.  Depending on the age of this kitten, he/she could be still nursing.  If you were to take it away from it's mother it would need to be given that special milk formula from a bottle.  You also need to make sure that there isn't an entire litter of kittens under there.  If so, they may all need homes.  If you can't temporarily take the kitten in then I would find someone who can other than the shelter.  If you do take it in, you just may fall in-love with it and not want to give it up.  I just took in a stray black and white kitten myself ;)  Good Luck!!!

  3. ... okay you should put a humane trap baited with food. WHO KNOWS if you catch him you may become attached. if not then call the humane society and put signs up. saying found black & white kitten if you lost him/her call

    Humane Society of --------------County. there might be a family of strays

  4. Try to find her a good home with someone who will love him/her and take care of him/her and get him/her spayed/neutered as soon as the cat is old enough.

  5. Leave some food for her!  

  6. dont hurt it, but set a trap

    and try giving it to a friend or taking it to a shelter

  7. If you don't want it either find a home for it or take it to a shelter.  Or you could just leave food out and let it be a outdoor cat

  8. look under shed, bet he has siblings.

    call a shelter.

  9. Check and see if it belongs to anybody. If it doesn't, take it to a local shelter.

  10. I would coax it out with some food and then take it to a local no-kill shelter.  Kittens get adopted out really quickly.  

    Just check to make sure it doesn't belong to anyone near where you live, though,  

  11. You should trap it and find your nearest ASPCA and send it there.

  12. Well if you don't want to take this kitten in and keep him as your own, then don't.

    The best thing is not to get too attached to it. Then you know what will happen.

    Take him to the human society or advertise him in the local news paper, give him to a good family.

    Whatever you decide, good luck!

  13. Are you sure it's living there? It may have run under there when it saw you coming because it doesn't know you. You may want to check around and see if it belongs to anyone.

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