
What should I do if I want to loose 50 pounds by Oct...Nov latest?

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Im 15 years old and I want to be thinner. I need a plan that is easy to hold onto and is effective. Also inexpensive. Im not rolling with money!! School is starting and I hate being the 'heavy one'. Im not obese.I play softball year round [[High School and ASA]] but Im 5'8" and 175 pounds. :( help!!




  1. You're definitively not obese, considering you lifestyle barely over weight, but not so much considering your activeness.  I have the same body height and weight. However, I swim and have muscle which also contributes to your weight. If you have muscle, which you probably do, don't be concerned about a number when it comes to looking at the scale. Look once a week and work out often. Try to get some good aerobics into your workout. Swimming feels great for me and burns fat all over. Manage your proportions. Cut out the junk food. Eat a lot of salad and fruits and vegetables and get your protein. Becoming a vegan or a vegetarian probably isn't too good of an idea, unless you know what you're doing. I have been there and done that. Get the right kind of food and work out is basically all anyone can say. There is no quick, healthy way to lose that much weight. If I were you, I'd aim for a more realistic goal. Maybe 15 lbs by November. Experts say anywhere from 1 to 5 pounds a week is good.

    If you're really concerned talk to your parents about seeing a nutritionist.

  2. Whoa...50 pounds is a lot of weight.

    You should be losing around 1~3 pounds every week.

    Running is KEY. Run a minimum of 40 minutes 6 days a week if you are serious about losing weight. With the running, it'll take maybe...2 weeks for some good results.

    And don't eat so much. 4 to 5 small meals every day.

    Hope I helped!

  3. If you lose that much weight that fast it could be bad for your health. Because of your height and that you're an athlete you're probably at an okay weight. Some of it is probably muscle which weighs more than fat. Just eat right and exercise and don't stress over weight.

  4. Eat less and exercise more.  Calories out > calories in = weight loss.  

  5. I cannot say how much you'll loose within the time you say, however this information will help you.  

    The most common cause of obesity is poor diet and/or eating habits and a lack of exercise.  Other factors that can lead to obesity include glandular malfunctions, diabetes, hypoglycemia, emotional tension, boredom, and a simple love of food.  Obesity has also been linked to food sensitivities and/or allergies.  Food your body cannot use or that is a poison to your system is stored in the tissues and causes water retention.  Ironically, poor nutrition may be an important factor in obesity.  When there is inadequate intake of certain essential nutrients, fat is not easily or adequately burned and can accumulate in the body.

    There is no need to worry about the amount of calories you consume as about eating the proper foods.  Rotate your foods, and be sure to eat a variety of foods.  Eat meals that consist of a balance of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and some fat.  Proteins can increase your metabolic rate by as much as 30%, and help to balance the release of insulin by prompting secretion of the pancreatic hormone glucagons.  Protein-induced glucagons, mobilizes fats from the tissues in which it is stored, thus aiding in weight loss.  By eating balanced meals you get more steady blood sugar levels and the ability to burn stored body fat for long-term weight loss.  Eat mainly plant proteins, such as nut, seeds, and grains.

    Eat fresh fruits and an abundance of raw vegetables.  Have one meal each day that consists entirely of vegetables and fruits.  Use more low calorie vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, green beans, kale, lettuce, onions, radishes, spinach, and turnips.  Eat more of the low calorie, low-carbohydrate fruits including,  apples, cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries, and watermelon.

    Eat foods raw where possible.  Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water each day.  Also include home made fruit juices and vegetable juices in your diet.  Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables - at least all kinds that you can get your hands on.  Just eat more of the low cal., low carb ones.  And do not forget to take exercise.  

  6. Here's a few options:

    1. Go vegetarian or vegan. See (I think), there's many other websites too...

    2. Do a juice fast. Check out You can lose like 1 lb per day, and won't gain it back if you end it right.

    3. Aim to lose 2-3 lbs healthily and slowly...but you won't reach your goal that way :/ Maybe 20-ish lbs. by Christmas? Cut out red meat, junk food, soda.

    There's no true quick fix. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet, that will keep the weight off. Even if you do a quick fix it'll take a LOT more effort and you'll feel a LOT worse. Good luck at whatever you choose! xo  

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