
What should I do if a guy sitting on a Harley is blocking my way to a front door of a public business?

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the business doesn't have a sidewalk, the front door is on the same level as the roadway.

these HD riders park their bike blocking the front door on perpose just so they can pick a fight

the management of the business is too frightened to tell them to move




  1. If he's smaller than you,spit on him.

    If he's bigger than you, walk around !!

  2. Another typical Joe B fantasy question. Get a life why don't you?

  3. Just don't slip in the oil, and plug your ears to avoid permanent damage.

  4. beat the c**p out of him and stomp the exhaust of his mule.  youve always wanted to do that anyway, at least in your dreams.  youll be dreaming great, healing in the hospital.

  5. I'd say "Wake up, Joe. This is just an extension of the fantasy you have about spraying people with gasoline and committing random violence you've repeatedly talked about here."

    Is this really the only entertainment you can find?

  6. The same thing you would do if anyone is blocking your access. Say "Excuse me" and walk around. Most folks that have Harleys also have manners. If it was me, I'd say, "Excuse me, sweety, your blocking me. Can you let me in?

    Assume the best. Most folks are suckers for good manners.  

  7. I would kindly say:

    "Hey r****d GTFO"

    Then stab him with my Ducati Key

    Hows that for symbolism

    Italy> American bikes

  8. Try using the walk-through door instead of the garage door.

  9. that never happens

  10. Say "Nice bike, i used to have one like that" then say "well im off to (the public business name) see you around" he should move then

  11. It happens to me when I'm unloading equipment, occasionally.  I ask the rider to move.  I've never had anyone give me a hard time.

  12. He is probably admiring himself in the window, looking for the perfect pose for the next underage girl he is trying to impress.

    Ignore him he is just a pimple on the a-s of society.

    Oh...if he's wanking his throttle.  Put your fingers in your ears, that always pisses of the posers.

  13. Just trying to stir up trouble with a question like this.  

    Why would any motorcycle be on a sidewalk blocking a public door?

    While it is well known I am not a big admirer of Harley, a question like this is not needed.

    Please stop with questions like this in the future.

  14. This happens on a frequent basis. They don't necessarily block the entrance but will pull up on the sidewalk close to the entrance, park and admire themselves in their mind. A couple of times I have asked these posers if they have a hard time walking only to be given odd answers. Only to be expected I suppose.

  15. Why are you asking us, Killer? You're always talking about beating those HD riders up, whats so different about this one?

  16. That's pretty rude and strange...I'm a Harley Rider and still use basic driving sense.

    Go up and ask him to move so you can get in. If he wants to put on the bully act, get inside and tell management about it. Keep going up the chain until you get the right person.

  17. ask whats goin on? most likely theres a funny reason!

  18. What is this? Hypothetical hour? Have you actually ever experience this?

    I didn't think so....

  19. What difference does it make if he's on a Harley or a Honda he's only one man ask him to move or just walk around.

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