
What should I do if im really pressured to smoke cigarettes but really dont want to?

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I just got into college. I really dont want to smoke cigarettes. i mean, maybe pot once or twice at a party or something, but not cigarettes. Im starting to make friends, and a good amount of them smoke. what should I do? Leave them and find non smoking friends? deal with it n just be friends? both? help




  1. Just keep saying 'no, thanks' and change the subject.  If they keep it up, either

    A) get new non-smoking friends

    B) tell them about watching your two-pack-a-day grandfather die a slow, painful death to lung cancer when you were nine.  If THAT doesn't shut them up, refer back to A).

  2. Trust me, dont start smoking.  I started when I was 15, and just stopped this past january.  Ive been smoke free for 9 months now!  I quit once before, but I wanted just one when I went out to the bar.  This was the problem... because it is SOOOO addictive, I couldnt just have one.  Once I started that, i started smoking again.  I wish I had never started.  You do not want to start.  Your lungs feel gunked up, you wake up in the morning and cough, you cant smell or taste anything, its horrible.  I never realized how bad I smelled until I quit - the women I work with smoke, and I can smell them coming back from their cigarette breaks without even turning around in my chair!

    You can have friends who smoke without smoking yourself.  You just have to deal with being around them while theyre smoking.  Just be happy that you wont have to deal with all the negative things they will because their bodies are so addicted to nicotine!  PLUS, think of all the money they will spend on packs - and believe me, its not a choice, once you start, you HAVE to have them!

  3. just tell them that you don't smoke and don't want to, if they are friends then why would they pressure you to do something you don't want to? doesn't make sense to me, they shouldn't care if you smoke cigarettes or not.

  4. dont smoke

  5. Are they actually like "c'mon, smoke a cigarette, it won't hurt you"? If so, do you really want friends like that?

    If not, do what you want and don't worry about it. Be aware that secondhand smoke is worse than actually smoking, and marijuana is actually harder on your lungs than tobacco.

  6. Grow some balls.  Just don't do it.  Cigarettes are AWESOME!!!.  Ultimately, they're bad though.  Quitting smoking SUCKS and is really really hard!   It's better to never start.  Just don't smoke and use the thought of how bad quitting sucks as your encouragement to stick to your guns.

  7. Just don't smoke them. You are your own person and what type of "friend" would pressure you into something like that anyway?

    Maybe more people need to pressure their friend's NOT to smoke.

  8. if you dont want to smoke, dont. you've probably heard this saying a million times but if they dont accept you for not smoking it's really not worth it to hang out with them.  

  9. if your "FRIENDS' are pressuring you to do things that you tell them your not interested in... then i hate to tell ya but their not your friends.  if they keep pressuring you and you really dont wanna do it just keep sayin no and i know its hard but i think its better to stand up for what you belive in! good luck hope i helped!

  10. Don't do it if you made it this far please !!!!!! bad idea who cares what others think you'll be in better health

  11. deal with it and be friends. come on your in college and your going to succumb to peer pressure now for Christ sake? don't smoke its expensive and nasty.

  12. Don't start smoking. I'm a smoker and I know it's a disgusting and expensive habit. About $5 a pack now.

  13. Wow. NO WAY. I had friends who tried to pressure me into smoking, and I gave in. I started smoking, and three years later, know where I am? In and out of the hospital with lung cancer. DON'T BE PRESSURED INTO SMOKING. If you think 'it wouldn't happen to me' then chances are, it will!

  14.   just dont smoke.  if they really were friends they wouldnt pressure you to smoke.  

  15. Don't smoke since you don't want to.  Any friend that is worth having would not pressure you to smoke.  If I were you, I would certainly try to make more friends, just for the sake of having more friends; but I would not just drop my smoking friends suddenly either, just because they smoke.  I would just consider their smoking as one of the factors in deciding whether I wished to remain friends with them.  There are many good people out there who are smokers.  It would be great if you could be friends with them without affecting your health.  For example, if they could refrain from smoking around you, or if chose to spend time with them only if you had an "escape" (somewhere smoke-free to go to temporarily when your friends smoke), that would be excellent.

  16. If you like your smoking friends there is no reason you shouldn't keep them.  Most smokers are very respectful of those who choose not to smoke. Your headline suggests that they are trying to get you  to smoke.  By college age most people have abandoned that childish behavior.  It is absolutely your decision and you should be proud of it.

  17. Explain to them that you made a healthy choice to be a non-smoker.  You can also encourage them to try to quit if you would like.  If they are truly your friend, they will respect your choice to remain a non-smoker.  

    You made a good choice to remain a non-smoker as smoking can cause all sorts of problems such as lung cancer, heart disease, loss of lung function, and even death.

  18. i smoke weed, and near enough all of my friends smoke cigarettes but i do not, i just dont see the point :)

    I wouldnt pressure yourself about something like that, i costs too much money, but you dont need to break friendships over it. :)

  19. Smoking is not for you. Just tell them you prefer not to smoke. Big deal.

  20. What you need to do is grow up, this is not high school any more and peer pressure does not apply.  You just say no thanks if you do not want to smoke.

  21. This is an easy one!  Make sure all your friends are around first.  Then say you'll try it.  Pull a Bill Clinton, pull in the smoke, but don't inhale.  Then after you blow the smoke out, ask if your mouth is supposed to be tingling, like on fire.  Then put a worried look on your face.  Start spitting, while acting nervous.  Everyone will assume you're allergic to the smoke, and will leave you alone.  If not, gargle with isopropyl alcohol for further proof.

  22. Duh? Just say no thanks.

  23. DON'T START!!!  Been there, fortunately wised up and stopped before it was too difficult.

    It IS an addiction.  Witness the folks who carry around snuffed cigs in stores or other no smoking areas, or tucked behind their ears, just waiting for the instant they can light up?  Have you had a date leave you for a while to go out and smoke?  Have you seen "adults" smoking up a storm in a building, or worse in a car, with kids stuck in there with them?  Ever kissed a smoker and felt like you were l*****g out a dirty ashtray?  Do you think it's just a little odd that smokers think they have the right to subject others to a health risk and ruin their meal, yet squawk about infringement of their rights because they can't do that to other people?

    It's an addiction.  Spare yourself the ignominy, inconvenience, expense, and most likely a protracted, agonizing death that will suck your mate and children dry.

  24. lol "maybe pot once or twice"

    DONT DO DRUGS or smoke

  25. Learn to smoke and just have an occasional cigarette when you are drinking or hanging out with them. You will enjoy it!

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