
What should I do if my doctor will not treat me for a physical problem I have?

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Should I sue? Who can help me get the treatment I need? Has anyone heard of the sterilization of black women study? Tell me if you have please??




  1. The simple answer is what was already suggested: get a 2nd opinion.  A doctor is under no ethical or legal obligaton to treat you, but should help you find another doctor who would be willing to talk with you about your problem.

  2. get a second opinion

  3. Suing a doctor for refusing to treat a "physical problem" will get thrown out of court, and shame on any lawyer who takes your money to do so.

    It is entirely possible that the doctor in question doesn't have a diagnosis and severity level, both of which are needed before treatment begins. It could be as simple as him not agreeing with you.

    You'd never win a lawsuit without demonstrating the doctor caused you great bodily harm or failed to apply customary treatment resulting in harm.

    Doctors are human, too, and his clinical judgement is a bit more trained than yours.

  4. Find another doctor.  Not all personality matches work, and I'm guessing that you and your doctor have differences of opinion.

    Why does a lawsuit seem to be the answer to your problems?  If that's your knee-jerk response to everything, you're going to have trouble finding and keeping a doctor.  Doctors can and will fire problem patients - we're not slaves yet.

    I've never heard of the study you mention - provide references.  There were certainly a lot of very bad medical policies early in the last century, no doubt about that.

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