
What should I do if my emirates ticket haven’t arrived

by Guest32724  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I am a British citizen and I bought arsenal match tickets on general sale and was told I would receive them by mail, but they have not arrived yet. What should I do?




  1. Stingray

    Tickets are produced in batches and dispatched in batches. Sometimes, tickets are not dispatched until 4-5 days before a game. In the unlikely event that you have not received your tickets by the day before the game, then please contact the Arsenal Box Office on 0207 619 5000 (option 1 for ticketing, then option 4 to speak to a member of staff) who will arrange a reprint of your tickets which can then be collected on the evening of the game.  The lines are open Mon to Fri 9.30 to 5.

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