
What should I do if my homemade tattoo looks infected but isn't like leaking or anything??

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I got my friend to through a tattoo on my leg. At first it didn't really hurt or anything so I though it was all good. It's been a few days (probably like 4) and its read all around the tattoo...but it wasn't before. Also, now it like wicked hurts. No big deal but I'm only 16 and my parents are rather strict... any advice?




  1. Go to the doctor. Nod your head when the doctor tells you how stupid you are, and then never do something that stupid again.

    Get it done by a professional. I doubt your friend counts.

  2. Yah, I agree with the others. It was a really bad, irresponsible idea to do this. But now that you have, you need to step up and take responsibility for your health. Get to a doctor. As others said, you can contract a staph infection (which can be fatal) as well as all sorts of other infections and blood-borne diseases from not getting a tattoo properly. It is important that you take care of your infection before it becomes more serious. In the meantime, make sure you are washing the area with a gentle soap several times a day, using a gentle lotion for sensitive skin (no fragrances), and wearing loose clothes. Shorts that allow the skin to breath would be best, but if that's not possible, loose pants. Tight ones will chafe against the skin and irritate it, and if the skin doesn't get a chance to breath it can be a breeding ground for bacteria.  

  3. I assume you don't want to go to a doctor, since you don't want your parents to know. Wash it, put an antiseptic balm on it, such as neosporin, and cover it with a bandage made of gauze (the gauze lets it breath). Repeat this every day, and if improvement can't be seen within a few days head to the doctor.

    Everyone makes mistakes! The key is learning from them.

  4. You should go to the doctor and get it checked out because it's most definitely infected, and you will end up with a nasty wound, maybe even a staph infection. Which would probably be a good thing in this case because it would eat right through your crappy tattoo.

    Getting a homemade tattoo is one of the stupidest things you can do. I'm sure it looks like complete garbage, and now you're stuck with it forever on your skin unless you pay for expensive laser removal. You also put yourself at risk for a serious infection, as well as HIV or Hepatitis. Nice work! Did your "friend" have proper equipment or an autoclave? Was everything sterilized? Probably not. I'm willing to bet your friend doesn't even know what an autoclave is.

    Next time, don't be such an idiot and just wait until you're 18 so you can go to a PROFESSIONAL ARTIST who is actually clean and knows what the h**l they're doing.

  5. Go to a doctor immediately. If it's an infection, it could spread to the rest of your leg and possibly your internal organs. Doctor's are supposed to keep patient confidentiality, so I don't think he or she can tell your parents without your permission.

    By the way, you are extremely stupid. 16? Couldn't you have just waited two more years to get a professional tattoo?




  7. go to the doctor for answer

  8. sounds infected. You need to get to a doctor. The infection could spread to your internal organs.

    That was not very smart.

  9. uhmm if u have a peditrition u can go to them there is a law that says they cant tell ur parents what u went in for and what u guys did. hope it helps

  10. eeeeeeeew

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