
What should I do if my iguana's getting too big for our home?

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So we rescued an iguana... one of my mom's friends was going to bring it to the Humane Society because he didn't care to take care of his college-bound son's iguana, so we decided, "Heck, we'll take it!"

Well, that adorable little 18 inch long iggy's grown into a handsome 4 foot long one over just four years, and the poor dear's running out of space. Our house is crammed as it is, and his little 2 1/2 foot by 2 1/2 foot by 48 inch cage is getting way too small for him.

I don't really want to get rid of him, but I don't want him to languish in a teeny cage, either.




  1. give it to me!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. get a bigger home

  3. You might want to look into buildling a large enclosure for him or finding someone else who could do it.

  4. Most people I know who have iggys end up giving it its own room in their house. Yes, an entire room.

    This is a great example of why people really, really, really need to spend a LOT of time researching iguanas before they bring one home.

    Short of an entire room for himself maybe it's time to sub-divide a bedroom and give him at LEAST 6 square feet of it.

    I wish you the best of luck. If you can't figure out something for him you really need to get him to a rescue before he starts to turn nasty.

  5. If you don't mind investing in a much larger tank, that's an option. He won't stop growing...he'll probably be around two to two and a half feet when grown.

    The other option, although I know you're not keen on getting rid of him, is giving him to a humane society or a pet store. (maybe not a pet store, although mine does take donations and we give them nice, big tanks.

    Do you have space in the house? If not, if there's just clutter, try having a garage sale. It will raise money for the expensive tank and reduce clutter.

  6. Here's an Idea - Suggestion for practical  Do it YourSelf Also

    Cost Effeciant.Find an old empty Large dresser' take out drawers turn on side'standing End on End use your own discretion what to close out  large opening {screening,mesh wiring,Plexi glass or glass}.Bottom of dresser/would be bottom should be very thin remove ,cut,shape or just ad preferably self closing hinges'like for cupboards can be fairly

    priced,Pick some good looking  in door out door carpet at same place getting hinges & latch for door.Make sure theres enough in-door out-door also called Astroturf left over to cut new piece for bottom every time clean enclosure/or just throw square of astroturf in washing machine HOT water,can also take outside and blast with a hose&water.Whatever works for you because it becomes a routine.Need thick branch or two not directly straight up but angled across to asure iguanas comfort due to being arborial"tree dwellers they like to be above it all; just lounging on limb looking to be almost falling off,but that's when tey are most comfortable.ok

    back to tree limbs and securing them safely to inside metal

    strapping also called plumbers tape,1in.wide w/ large hole smaller hole continuously down,also really long screws  securing wood branches is important and from inside.No sharp edges exposed any sharp corners cut curve around end of each piece being used.Staple gun astroturf to walls and top also cut asquare area and cover with appropriate breathable ventable material.No heat lights just uvi using black light bulb for heating be sure safe distance between light and animal  {Hope this helps you in any way} if you'd like to add me to your contacts &instant message me any time,

  7. My Friend has a really big Iguana. He has a big floor-to-celing cage. It's like 8 by 4 by 4 and has a big fake tree and heat lamps in it, the Iguana loves it. Something like that is the best way to go.

  8. well how about the local pet store maybe not sell him but he can be there pet they have the room and bigger cages and you can go see him when you want.

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