
What should I do if my manager tells me that everyone has to put in money to go to the cash register?

by Guest33921  |  earlier

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I recently began working at this retail store that only has two cash registers. Everyone uses them. So if it's short, it's really hard to point a finger. Well, I'll be darned, I go to work yesterday and was told the register was short $75. So both of the managers say something about each person that worked that register needed to put in $9.33 and all the other workers were not complaining! I had one girl tell me "It's only $9.33." The manager asks if I thought it was fair that he paid $75. After after 20 minutes of back and forth confrontation he comes up with the conclusion just to write everyone up and if it came up short again it could lead to termination and I'm like if everyone gets written up and the drawer is short again does that mean everyone is getting fired?! Anyways I was really pissed off yesterday and I don't know what to do or think.




  1. thats bs i would go elsewhere. The lsw does not alow them to force u to pay but it also does allow them to fire for u at will ( in most states unless u have a union )

    My advice if u u can afford not to work atm say fu and quit if u cant then pay and stay while u look.  OverALL $9.33 is not worth fightin for. If they wanted $1000 then u could should refuse and get into legal fight

  2. It makes sense that the people working the register would have to put in if it's coming up short. If you were in your manager's shoes, you'd probably do the same. Obviously since you didn't take anything from the register you're going to be annoyed since you have to pay for what somebody else took, but that's just the way it goes. At least they're not pointing the finger at you completely and telling you to pay the full amount. It's crappy, but it makes sense.

  3. To complain is not always good - to offer a solution to a problem is a better idea.

    Is it feasible to have one person run one register? This would take you from 8 sales people to 6. If you work on commission this could rotate to make it more equitable - or each sales person could give a small portion of the commission to the cashier - much like wait staff in a restaurant give to the bus staff.

    Think about how many sales people you have at any given time and then ask if another register is needed.

    Perhaps you could assign only one person to do cash and that on only one register. I'm assuming that you could find the error if it were in charges or checks. If not you would be closer to identifying the problem at any rate.

    My point is that if you can find a solution then you are showing yourself to be a team player and wanting to work to solve problems - a feather in your cap.

    Question - do the managers also play in the registers? did they contribute?

  4. This is illegal to make everyone pay it.  I'd just find a new job working retail.

    The managers themselves aren't going to be paying the $75, the store will just be short $75.  What they are encouraging to do is for every employee to steal from the register and then just have everyone pay back into it.  I'm willing to bet one of your co-workers needed $65 that day.

  5. I wouldn't trust it. The managers may have been taking money. I worked at a place one time where I was never short.....unless I was working under this one manager. When she worked with me , I would always be at least $50 dollars short.

    I would talk to corporate or the managers boss to see if they can handle registers in another way, or just have 1 or 2 cashiers who are responsible for their register!

  6. Tell him you respectfully disagree. He should accuse one based on eveidence and he should install cameras at the cash register. You have been unrightfully accused.  

  7. there are other ways to figure out who is stealing the money (notice i didn't say who made the error in giving change). i suggest he use his management skills to figure it out (who was scheduled, access, mid-day or surprise register reconciliation, cameras, voids, no sales, etc.)

  8. I think you should quit!!!

    you can't waste $10 every day!!!!!

  9. 10 dollars doesn't seem like a lot, but actually it really is!! that's really ridiculous ... they obviously need a better system for their computer.

    We used to have to log into our name everytime we rang someone up, maybe thats what your problem is there? I'm not exactly sure how all of that works though. I'd say get a different job, especially if it's retail it would be easy to find a different one (just go to the mall!) GL!

  10. This happened to me one time. I calmly talked to my boss and said "I did not take the money. I understand you are upset and I dont think its fair that you should have to pay it back but it is not MY business. These things are problems that come with owning a business. I think it is totally unfair that I should have to pay anything toward it no matter how much money it is. I had no clue until you told us that money was even gone." He was a little mad at my comment about 'it comes with owning a business' but he said 'I see where you are coming from, but everyone still has to pay'. I then went home calle the Labor can find their number online...and asked them if this was okay. They said absolutely not. I had them send me something in the mail stating it was not okay to do and I brought it to him. He reimbursed every one of us.

    It is the owners business. He takes the responsibility of that when he buys the business. Trust me what he is doing is not okay! I would tell him you called the Labor Board and they said it wasnt okay to do and if he sayd yes it is get the letter sent to you. Its not the money its the principle!!!

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