I recently began working at this retail store that only has two cash registers. Everyone uses them. So if it's short, it's really hard to point a finger. Well, I'll be darned, I go to work yesterday and was told the register was short $75. So both of the managers say something about each person that worked that register needed to put in $9.33 and all the other workers were not complaining! I had one girl tell me "It's only $9.33." The manager asks if I thought it was fair that he paid $75. After after 20 minutes of back and forth confrontation he comes up with the conclusion just to write everyone up and if it came up short again it could lead to termination and I'm like if everyone gets written up and the drawer is short again does that mean everyone is getting fired?! Anyways I was really pissed off yesterday and I don't know what to do or think.