
What should I do if my mom is ugly?

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My mom has a skin disease called vitiligo, I am so embarrassed to be

seen with her in public. I feel that she should stay at home until the

vitiligo goes away. My mom thinks I am unreasonable, am I?




  1. There are a lot of entertainers with the same disease and people around the world.  Also you should not be ashamed of the disease or your mother.  You wouldn't be here if it weren't for her.  She probably knows how you feel, and sometimes the disease will not go away.  Then what are you going to do?  You should be thankful that you even have a mom. You should think about what you are doing and saying to her.  What if something happens to you?  Would you want her to turn away from you?

  2. thats so shallow of you!! You really are unreasonable, shes your mom and you shouldn't be embarrassed at all! What if that happened to you and all your friends decided no to hang out in public with you any more?... Wouldn't you feel bad?

  3. I do think you are being unreasonable. That is your mother, the one that brought you into this world and im sure she would accept you if you had something such of that sort and still be seen in public with you. Reapect her, you will regret it later if not.

  4. Yes you're selfish and shallow -_-

    she's your MOTHER!

    she's not a dog you can keep at home.

    How would you feel if you had it, and your mam didn't want to take you anywhere or let you out because she was embarrased and ashamed of you?

  5. yes. that's mean. >_< she's your mom. She concived you. come'on littl respect?  

  6. Yes you are unreasonable. if she said that to you, you would be really hurt. I think you should apologize

  7. For you information, virtiligo does not go away. So you think she should stay inside the rest of her life? What if this were you, and she treated you this way. You also can get this yourself being as she has it because it is genetic so I would try being more understanding and loving because this could be you some day.

  8. i cannot believe you are embarrassed to be seen in public with your own mother. the person who MADE you. the person who CARES for you. i bet she does everything for you. you should try to be less disrespectful to your own blood and help her pull through with her disease.  

  9. you shouldn't be ashamed or emabassed of your moms disease  

  10. i think its not only unreasonable but also very mean and rude to your mother to even think of saying that. of course growing up, its normal to be embaressed by some of the people in our lives...but some day you will see that your friends today will not mean jack later in life and your mom is most important (at least thats how its suppose to go).

  11. your mother has a skin disease that she cant help. im sure she realizes more than you do that she may not have the prettiest skin. but you need to keep in mind that shes still a human being and she does have feelings. if shes not embarassed to go out and have a life then you shouldnt either. you should be proud of your mom and be glad that she doesnt want to sit in her house and hide for the rest of her life. im sure there are other good qualities that your mom has focus on those. dont be embarassed of something you cant change

  12. show your support and love her!!! tell your friends what your mom is going through and tell them that it is a difficult time for you. if they are good friends they wont be mean. and who cares about people you dont know? it shouldnt matter to u wat they think! just tell her you love her no matter what she looks like and get through it! im sorry to hear this and i hope everything works out okay!!!!

  13. she's your mom! imagine you having the disease and her being embarrassed to be in public with you. you should love your mom no matter what she looks like.

  14. No not at all, it's because your a kid/teen-age. So of course you can get embarrassed.

    My mom's not ugle, but she can be wicked embarrassing.

    Don't feel bad!

    Hope i helped!!  

  15. i think you should have a mary kay party to show her that you dont think she is ugly plus it will give her tips on how to cover it up or a cheaper way is get her the make up called bare minerals it works wonders and hides everything believe it or not it is great. but never call your mom ugly you as her kid it will hurt her the most i think you should live with the fact of she looks like that who cares wat ppl think of your mom its who she is at heart not face and looks

  16. Anytime that you are ashamed of someone because they have a decease, then you should be the one to stay home. This is something that could be inherited, so are you going to stay home because someone might not like it. I don't know your mother, but I doubt she is ugly, just isn't as beautiful on the outside as you might like, but beauty is only skin deep, and she is probably a beautiful woman on the inside. Be happy you have her. Just ask some of the people that have lost their mothers and would do anything to have them back.  

  17. you are being kinda selfish. i mean, if you had this disease how would you feel if your mom wanted u to stay home and not be seen in public with her??? sorry, its the truth.  

  18. you're selfish and shallow.  she is your mother.  

    have any type of disease is serious.  it seems that everything  is usually about you huh?  get over yourself.  be grateful for your mom.


  19. Come on how can you be such a selfish little cow shes your mum you should love her no matter what who cares what other people think???

    Its not her fault she has this disease stop thinking about your self for once flippin h**l..........

  20. if shes your mother than i feel shes beautiful inside and out and that nothing else should matter. Think of her feelings and how hard it must be for her to go out and have such a disease. But she is strong enough to push through it despite all the critisism, so try to be more understanding and respect her more.

    good luck with everything, i hope she gets better and everything turns out well.

  21. thatgs pretty rude and mean shes your mom. she cant help it what if she said that if you got burnt or a bad scar that didnt make you look the most beautiful. would you want her to treat you that way?! i hope someday you will understand. your going to regret ever saying this and treating your mom like this. once you relize you should go out and do someithng special for her no matter how ugly or beautiful she is! i hope this helped.

  22. omfg. shes ur mom. u r very unreasonable. her disease should not hold her back from doing wat she wants to. sure, if the disease is alittle gross, i might not like it, but she is ur mom and u should love her. forget about it. do not make her stay home. og out with her like u would before she got this disease. thats like asking a teenager with bad acne to stay away from her bestfriend in the school cafeteria at lunch. it sucks

  23. That is really ****** up, I mean she is your mother, family is supposed to be the few people in the world that loves you unconditionally, I feel sorry for your mom for having a daughter like you. How would you feel if you had a disease that made you "ugly" and everyone made fun of you and then you come HOME the one place you are supposed to feel safe and your mom was like...umm you can't come in public with me because you're ugly...Seriously think about what you're saying.

  24. i can understand where your coming from, but think about your moms feelings!

    im sure she dosent like having the skin disease and with you saying that your embarrassed to be seen by her is probably making it worse for her self confidence. your supposed to love her no matter what happens..

    i think your being unreasonable, but its respectable to some point.

    who gives two flying s***s what other people think of your mom, they dont know her like you do.

    you should deefinitly go out with your mom, shes the same person in the inside, even if she dosent look the same on the outside

  25. Yes, you are being unreasonable. Learn to with it. Once your mom pasts away, you're going to regret haven't been out with her much.

    There was a traditional tale that I don't remember to clearly but it was about how a kid was embarrassed to be seen with her mother who was missing an arm, i believe. The kid would feel the same way as you do now. But at the end of the story, it turns out that the kid was born without an arm, and that the mom didn't want to see the kid grow up unhappy, so the mom sacrificed her own well being for her kid. By the time the kid found out, the mother died. I hope you get the point I'm trying to get through.

  26. you should be happy you have a mom. alot of kids out there dont even have parents.

    you should support her and look down on whoever laughs at you or her.

  27. Uh, yeah. Who cares if she has a skin disease? She's your mother! I go out with my aunt all the time and hold her hand even though she's bald and has sores all over her skin from cancer. I'm certainly not embarrassed to be seen with her. You should never be embarrassed to be seen with someone you love.

  28. Lets reverse the situation, suppose it was you with the skin disease and your Mom didn't want to be seen with you. How would you feel?

    Hurt, I'm sure.

  29. it is not her fault that she has this disease and maybe you should try  to ease up off of her. if my mom had a disease i would appreciate her while she is living.

  30. this person gave you life and you're embarrassed. yes you're being unreasonable!

  31. my mom passed away when i was 10.

    ur being selfish and immature.

    she's ur mom, if u were going through the same thing she would stand by u no matter what.

    if i had my mom here today i wouldn't give a rat's a** what she looked like, i would just love having her There.

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