
What should I do if my soon to be ex is with a person previously charged with stalking & around my kids?

by Guest32325  |  earlier

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My soon to be ex-husband is currently dating a girl that was arrested a few years ago for stalking. I have two small children and I am concerned that he is getting involved with a crazy person that could potential affect my children? I caught him with her and filed to get my divorce in 3 months and i have pictures of them together. I just dont know what to do to make sure my kids are taken care and around people that i know arent crazy when they are with there dad. My kids are all i have left and i want to make sure will be okay.




  1. As crappy as this situation is (and I am sorry for you it's happening) at least give the girl the benefit of the doubt at this point...until she does something to warrant not being around your kids then I'd be cautiously optimistic.  It's easy to be angry at the situation and you should be, but your ex is going to get to see the kids and she will be around.  Talk to your kids and try to explain to them what's going on and keep thier ears and eyes open when with Dad and the other girl.

  2. There could be more to her story than you know. I would run a whole back ground check on her. If she was arrested try to get a copy of the report since it is public. Find out who charged her with stalking. You say you have pictures of them together so she too could have had someone who she was taking pictures of & got charged for stalking because of it.

    Get the evidence and either present it to your ex or a court to show she is someone you don't want around your children. Get a restraining order if the evidence shows reason to be concerned. Be sure of all your facts.

  3. Unfortunately there isn't anything that you can do.  She hasn't harmed you or your children, so you can't keep them from her.  You just have to be patient and hope for the best

  4. Talk to the ex first - tell him that u know shes a wacko and do not want her around the babys.  If he cannot agree to that then get to family court with her convictions and show the judge that she cannot be trusted around u or the kids.  Get a restraining order if need be.

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