
What should I do if my virgin crush doesn't want to date me because I'm not a virgin?

by Guest59000  |  earlier

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Okay, so this guy really likes me A LOT! I like him as well... We've know each other for a really long time but have never had the guts to ask one another out. Well I asked him out and he obviously said no. he told me that he wouldn't date me because i'm not a virgin and he is. He said he only sees himself dating a virgin. He wants to lose his virginity to a virgin. Well, I told him that our relationship doesn't have to be intimate. & if it was, i wouldn't consider him another guy i "******." & that he'd be the first guy I'd make LOVE with. ****, what should i tell him? What shouldn't I tell him? What should i do?!




  1. You need to be 100% honest about it right away, if you truly like this guy. In a long term relationship, these things are always exposed. Always. You need to explain why you lost your virginity, and why s*x isn't as terrible as what his parents will tell him. If you really like the guy and he doesn't like you for who you are, you need to go for someone else.

    If you want to just have a fun relationship and don't genuinely care about him, then say what you want to get what you want for the time being. This will cause drama that you don't need in the future, if your relationship lasts.

  2. FIRST OFF HOW OLD IS THIS GUY? ALL men r liars u HAVE 2 BELIEVE AND KNOW THIS OK! He sounds like he only wants virgins don't MESS wit him if hes obviously acting like that ok! CONFUSION DOESN'T GUIDE U INTO A RELATION SHIP...Just my opinion

  3. if he really lieks you that shouldn't be a problem whether or not u r a virgin.

    but yeh just say that u care about him a lot and sutff

    hope everything works out for you

  4. If you love something let it go if it comes back then it was meant to be be and it is yours forever

    if it doesnt then it was never yours and not meant to be

  5. LOL WHAT ...An    IDIOT..

    Real men know that virgins are nothing but a problem a total let down.

    We like our women a little broken in with some experience and not lay on the bed with a "what do I do now' look on her face. Basically Virgins are LAME.  The world teaches us boys before were men VIRGINS are the BEST.  SO so not true..

    You tell him virgins are overrated and your WILLING to break him in.

  6. at this point, there is nothing you can do. he told you want he wants, and you dont fit that! so why bother pushing something that wont work?

  7. He already gave you his answer and there's nothing you can do about it.

  8. Well I would say the same as him too.

    I reckon it could be something to do with nerves. He maybe feels nervous that he won't know what to do or that you will judge him. So try talking to him and don't, whatever you do, slag him.

  9. I don't think it's fair what he did to you.

    I know he has the right to his own opinion, and I think you've made a really good choice liking him; but you deserve to be given a chance just like everyone else, virgin or not.

    Yeah, maybe he's got his preferences...

    but you should talk to him about your feelings and tell him that just because you're not a virgin doesn't mean you value relationships and intimacy less than anyone else. I think he may have certain prejudices against people who aren't virgin anymore. You have to make him understand without offending him by putting aside his beliefs.

    Wish you the best!

  10. use the jedi mind trick

  11. Let him go.  It's his choice. You made yours.

  12. I'm just wondering how many girls will be stupid enough to tell him their sexual history before he asks them out. Maybe he'll say "Hey, if you are virgin will you go out with me?" This guy sounds really strange. Walk away from him. He has a lot more issues than what are on the surface.

  13. Well I personally prefer girls that have less sexual/sensual/romantic history than me... Just an intimidation thing.

    Just flirt with him, but in a more innocent way. I think that might do it. And the best talk is what is not spoken. ;)

  14. I don't know what the conclusive answer is to this one.  Everyone is a bit different when it comes to sexuality and morality.  You obviously can't restore your virginity.  You could always catch him off of the rebound from the virgin who he loses it to, but that is probably not exactly the solution you are looking for, is it?  He may be timid because you are experienced and he is afraid.  He may have such legitimate morality that he wishes to only be with one girl who has only been with him?  He may really like you and just has a serious issue thinking about you being with someone else before him?  When guys only want s*x, they don't take such things into consideration.  All that you can do is try to talk to him about it.  If you really like him, then don't give up.  It is strange.  Guys can be strange.  I am not a virgin, but I haven't had s*x in a while.  Over four years.  I'm obviously single.  I used to have a lot of s*x, but something within myself changed.  I decided that I want to wait for the right girl.  The funny thing is that I now have the same expectations from the girl.  I want someone who hasn't been with anyone for a while, like myself.  We're all very different and complex.  If you really like him, ask him out as a friend and see where it goes from there.  Good luck.

  15. somehow it feels that he is trying to avoid you. in this world there is nothing like "i will loose my virginity with a virgin". if the girls says ok then it is ok with guys. seems that he beers some diferent notion in his mind.

  16. aww....i think that is so cute.....he is so cute....a virgin wanting to be only with another virgin......that is someone with values....dont let him go.....there arent many like him.......i dont to him and make sure he knows how you feel......that is the best solution at this point.

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