
What should I do in Melbourne for my birthday - Australia Day?

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What should I do in Melbourne for my birthday - Australia Day?




  1. It is the start of a long weekend so the opportunities are endless.  Me, it is my birthday so it will be a leisurely start.  It has always been my birthday so I do different things.

    If it is hot, go somewhere where you can have some nice cold drinks and stay cool.  Then in the afternoon when it gets cold, go indoors and drink some more.

    Works for me and then you don't have to worry about doing anything on Saturday.

  2. - go to the park with family / friends for a pick nick.

    - host a BBQ for you family and friends.

    - travel to adelaide to see the austrlia day cricket match :P

  3. depends how old ur turning

  4. go 2 rickett's point with your friends

  5. get out of melbourn and come to sydney

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