
What should I do? (it is about horses)?

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OK so yesterday I found out that the barn I ride at made a mistake and well another girl beginner western girl and i ride english and jump 2 feet got my spot in a semi-private and I am furious because I called a month ago telling them to reserve the spot and then they told me they forgot to write down that was my spot so they gave it so someone else Now the english girl in this lesson will drop in june but I do not really want to take a lesson with a beginner western girl that can not even canter.

Why this is a problem....

THey guarnteed me this spot and now I do not have it

I am ready to move up the the trainner I have NOW only has 2 foot classes on fridays (and i go out of town every friday in the summer) and this semi private on wed.

If i do not have a lesson my next week I have to stay in the trot poles/crossrails class.

My optinons.......

1. Stay in crossrail leson during the summer and make sure I am chalenged

2.Switch teachers

note- they refuse to kick the out




  1. Stay with it ,, its only for a while and may be you can help the beginner's

  2. So I'm a law student, but I show in alumni classes at the college horse shows, so I take lessons on Mondays with the college team.  However, I got put in the lesson hour with the little kids instead of with any of the college team riders.  So I'm riding with a 6 year old and a 10 year old.  Needless to say, I'm the best rider in the lesson.  I wish I could ride with girls who are better than me because I learn really well by watching others, but it's really good for the little girls that they get to watch me and learn from me.  It kinda sucks, but it's alright.

    So... your situation sucks, you're right.  If it was me, I'd switch teachers and ride with the western girl.  The only way you're going to get better is by jumping 2 foot.  It sucks that you're riding with someone who isn't doing your discipline and isn't as experienced as you, but at least you'll get to do your 2 foot.  And it's good that you'll be in a semi-private because you'll get a lot of attention on your riding.  There's only so much you can learn over cross rails... at some point you have to move up to 2 foot.  And who knows, you might inspire the western girl to realize that english is better and she'll switch ;o)

  3. JUMPING 2 feet is Nothing period Thats wher most people get in to trouble with out a GOOD TRANER

    GOSS trail horses can do that

    so stay with it don't get so upset about it,,, Maybe thats the reason you did not get your spot

    your not not good yet

    maybe going back to help the others will help you and them ,,

    two feet is nothing more then a Big canter stride


    ALL MOST SOUNDS LIKE your a spoiled brat and want your own way I have a number you can call 1800 cry-baby

    grow up

    maybe also they want you to learn more and or your not a team player in their barn

    Sounds like your not

    Get off your High horse and help the others so they can become better , have you ever thought it that way ?

  4. Thats bad news...... I jump too. That was really harsh for them to do that! Its your options sooo..... do whatever you think will make you feel better. Thats kinda funny that you don't want to ride with a western girl that can't even canter, but that would be a big mess up!

    -Best of luck-

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