
What should I do...maternity test?

by Guest67306  |  earlier

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I don't think my wife is the mother to our children. They look nothing alike and I was having an affair when they were conceived.

Do you think I should just ask her to take a test or just assume she's the mother?




  1. Dude, how do you doubt the MATERNITY?? Unless she has a hi-tech lab in her uterus, I dont think you have to worry. By any chance did you grow up under a power line??

  2. your crazy and a male ho for having an affair on your wife, forget maury bring back f*ck*d up jerry springer lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I think you both should appear on Maury.

  4. dont make sense

  5. umm you dont think she is the mother???? was she pregnant???? and werent you at the hospital when she gave birth???? or is this a question about you being the father??? If thats the case you can take a Paternity test and see if YOU are the father....and the only way she would not be the mother is if the children got switched at birth which is highly unlikely .

  6. Why don't you take your kids with you one day and get tested. A local hospital or your doctor's office or even try a neighborhood clinic. These type of situations happen all the time now days. Therefore ,if there yours or not, You'll be the 1st to know and can plot on what to do after the news. Good luck!

  7. Take her to Maury.....

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