
What should I do me and my boyfriend got into a fight ??? Please Please HELP ME!!!!!?

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Okay so what happened was. I came home from Competitive marching Band, and I was in a really really good mood. So I got online and I had seen that he wasn't on Aim, So I called him and asked him to if he could get on and he said sure. So he got on and we were talking and then I asked him if he got his Schedule changed and he said," quit worrying about it" then I asked him if something was wrong.? And he said yeah. And I said " let me guess me?" and he said " duh" and I asked said okay, why ? " and he said that I want to talk to him all the time and that is was annoying. Then I said well.. If you want to get off go ahead, I don't care. He said " fine" and signed off. I sat there and cried because we have never been in a fight and we have been going out for two months.I have no idea what to do. I have called him three times today, and he didn't answer. I don't think I did nothing anything wrong. PLEASE HELP. (: will give 10 points to the best answer that actually helps me.




  1. yes yes bombaio is very very mice this year

  2. Every one needs there space from time to time -Give him his. You and your boyfriend can still have a groovy time just out side of the class room -Ya know? He might like and appreciate you even more for the space-No one wants a twenty-four seven leach. Not even you -right?? Plus it gives y'all more interest in each other -something to talk about.

  3. Don't worry about it...this is hardly considered a fight. Just try not to call him so much, or have him call you for the next few days.  

  4. ok well heres wat i would do give him a lot of space don't call , txt ,e-mail etc.... then make him come back to u but only do this for like 3 to 4 days..good luck!

  5. I am really sorry about your fight.  The best way for you to apologize to him and settle down the differences.  For example, instead of calling 3 times a day, make it once.  Sometimes you gotta respect the guys' personal space issues.  I hope that it helps you.

  6. u r in deep love in with him, and if he loves u ur issue will not go big. Dont worry its all common b/w the girl and boy in love. Just say sorry and keep on calling him. tell him I LOVE U 3 times a day. Just say a sentence.......

    "I Love u so much and hw do u think that i can hurt u"

    Dont loose ur patince...... Enjoy loving

  7. I broke up wit my girlfriend because she gave me no space and no time to be with my friends, I don't know if you do this but we don't like it when you feel the need to take control, we want some guy time too.

    Try calling or messaging him again or something and find out what's wrong and maybe if you can work it out.

  8. Ish... the first fight always sucks. I will tell you like I tell everyone. If he calls,that's nice. If yall make up that's nice. But if it doesn't happen, don't worry. What happens will happen for a reason. Not only that but you've only been going out for two months? Not a very long time at all. I'm a strong believer in not being able to fall in love quickly. I guess it's from being hurt really badly once. But I'm in love now, three years. Leave him alone. Don't make it look like you are desperate. Desperate women aren't very attractive... not to mention it makes them look like they couldn't live without a man. Which you can. Not only that but he sounds like a jerk. If you wanted to talk too much then why wouldn't he just tell you in a nicer way? Instead of getting all pissed off about it. I think you should just leave him alone.  

  9. do wat ur heart tells u

  10. you will give 10 points to the answer that you want to hear !!!!! but i will tell you  the truth , you will probably break up , its a part of life , you will probably have several bfs and lots of fun , get your heartbroken again , but you will more than likely meet a nice guy when you're mature enough for a full on relationship , until then just have fun don't settle down to quick , you may have done nothing wrong its probably just him  

  11. It's "my boyfriend and I got into a fight." You always put the other person first to show you are not self-centered. You don't say 'me got into a fight.' You say, 'I got into a fight.' If you don't know whether to use 'me' or 'I', always drop the other person 'boyfriend' from the sentence and see which sentence sounds right.  

  12. this is called he wants to not be with you any more would you like being with some guy that treats you like this and says he doesn't want to talk to you any more? well i would say this is it. you know that bfs gfs don't last forever and especially when you are young. you re to find a bunch of guys and learn what they are like and whom you like and in the end that is if you are interested you get married but trust and stuff come hand and hand and hes not wanting to see you i can assure you and I would just ignore him and move on and go finds someone else hes not worth it and hes suckie he doesn't have guts to break with you so move on and find new guy that is what is fun take care.

  13. Just give him space and he will come around if you don't give him space then he might brake up with you I broke up with me bf because he wouldn't give me my space either so just let it be.

  14. Your boyfriend is probably being stubborn and trying to prove a point. Since its your first fight, it seems like neither of you know how to handle it. You should give him his space until he matures up and talks to you but you should also ask him to handle the fights you WILL have in the future better.

    Hope it helps.

  15. girl this is completely normal for a couple to fight in a relationship but what i would do is maybe just call and leave a message saying that you are sorry for whatever you did and that you feel you should really talk about it bcuz you don't want to fight(well it doesn't have to be these exact words but you get my point:) and just give him some space he will have to call back sooner or later cuz this is no situation to stay mad forever:) i hope this helps

  16. i was going thru the exact same thing, except that i didnt know ANY of this was going on. ur lucky cuz he's honest enough to tell you that he needs more space. if you dont think you did anything wrong, you didnt do anything wrong. its his loss. but just think about what you did in the past-meaning how many times u called him, hung out with him, or thot about him-and how many times u spent with your own girlfriends. u both have a life, and you should definitely know that IT WILL NOT LAST. good luck. (just so you know your gonna be laughing over this a year from now. maybe less)

  17. well skip a day or two of calling him and on the third day call him and ask him if you did anything wrong or anything to make him not want to talk to you as much or just talk to him about the problem. then, limit yourself to talking to him. he wants some time for himself. maybe he's just going through something and needs some space at the moment. whatever's meant to be will work out.

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