
What should I do my husband and I have been fighting for three days about how much he works ...?

by  |  earlier

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now he is home but im still mad and i cant figure out what to say to him to make it better ...shouldnt he reach out to me hes the one gone all the time




  1. Be proud of his work ethics and support him 100%.

  2. I have been through this and I am still going through it. But I have a better understanding now of what he goes through. All I can tell you is to try to be as understanding as you can be. Good luck to you both

  3. You are selfish and shallow

    He is working!

    Why can't you appreciate he has a job, and the desire to earn money?

    Or would you rather cut the cable and internet, and telephones?

    And go back to writing letters with a pencil and a piece of paper?

    He is home! Be happy, get naked, jump for joy, have a nice breakfast go back to bed, and have a pleasant afternoon,,, and tell him you want him to take you out to dinner at Dennys, dress up casually put on nice perfume, and flirt with him at the restaurant, and do him in the car on the way home

  4. What kind of job does your husband have and did he have that job before you got married?  If he had that job before y'all got married then you already knew that he was going to be M.I.A (Missing in Action) so why are you all of a sudden getting mad?  Do you have a job yourself?  If not I advise you to do something constructive in your life and if you already have a job find a hobby to occupy your time until your husband gets home.  Also if you have friends why don't you spend a little time with them if you don't have any get some.

  5. It sounds like you are in the "stand off phase" go to him and talk. try to hear what he is saying and then ask him to hear you out. pretend you don't have an emotional investment i n it. that is what i do when my hubby and i are to that stage.

    does he have vacation time? you guys need to do an adult only weekend and just reconnect. it helps TRUST ME. get a suite. bring your drinks and snacks. order food up or get take out and just stay in the room the whole weekend.


    and i agree with the guys/girls that say get him a beer..... be glad and thankful for him. I work full time, do most of the housework. do all of the yard work, do most of the home improvement projects an do all of the banking and bills. Most of the sh oping as well.

    We have a kid so my husband works just part time and takes care of the kid. It is important to me that one of us is home with our child most of the time as she grows. i believe when at all possible the child should be raised and cared for by the parent.

    When my husband does tidying up or brings me a cold soda when i wake in the door. Makes dinner, gets me a towel and lets me have alone time after work to soak in the bath is makes the whole world a better place.

    I work hard and sometimes overtime to provide for our family and to keep the home in order.

    If my husband bit&#ed at me i would freak out.

    I understand why you would miss him but i also understand him.

  6. I hate how much my husband works. He's in the military.  You have to look at it like this it could be worse.  He could be gone a lot more.  Unless he runs his own business I'm sure he has no control over how much he works unless he wants to lose his job.  He may be working a lot but if yall are arguing he probably wants to stay at work longer to avoid it.  Also he's providing for you so at least he's not at home without a job and not wanting to get one.

  7. I'm sorry, but someone has to tell you. Stop being selfish. He's working all those hours to make ends meet. He doesn't like working. That's why it's called WORK. If it was play, it would be called FUN. Tell him you're sorry you were being so selfish, but that you just miss when he's gone.


  8. You got mad at your husband for working? If he didn't work, you'd complain that he didn't have a job.  Please, get a real problem.

  9. Hes gone all the time making money for you guys. Maybe instead of being mad at him for working, you should have a beer waiting for him when he gets off, thats what I do for my fiance. We have an awesome relationship, and he works 55 hours a week, sometimes more.

  10. He's working to take care of home - remember that.  A lot of women would love that - I love hardworking men - and I reward them as such.  Don't get mad so easily - find some positive.  He could be elsewhere...

  11. Some husbands are dead beats, won't work, run around, drink and mess around. Yours works more than you think he should to make a decent living for you. Oh sorry to hear that whiny woman

  12. You've been fighting for three days,,,, and you are waiting for him to reach out to you.  If my woman was fighting for three days, I would be gone FOUR DAYS.

    He is not going to reach out to you, or do anything, because he doesn't want to set you off agian.  

    If you want to make it better, don't talk about the three days, the fight, the work, or anything else,,,,

    Get that hard working man a cold beer, something to eat, and then drag him into the shower and wash his back.  Tell him you are sorry for bitching all the time about him being gone, but that you do it because you love and miss him.  Then ask him if he is up to fooling around a little, and rock his world.  In the morning,,, find out how you can help with the finances so he doesn't have to work so much.

    I think there are more than answers on here that refer to "DEAD BEAT MEN",,,, but remember, there are also "DEAD BEAT BITCHING WOMEN."  

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