I have a job that pays me just enough to make my house and car payment, and if I am lucky my car insur payment.
I will have trouble findin another job with my work history at what it is...
I would love to be a paramedic, (I got accepted into school for it) I have to get recertified to be and EMT B first, I cannot afford the money for that, I have also defaulted on student loans because of my job and the pay, so I don't know if I will be able ot get my EMt school paid for if I find a way to get into the EMT B class.
I am broke, and cannot get out of a 648$ car payment because my credit is so bad. (in the 500's) that I'm so far under I will still have to pay. and I can't get credit for a cheaper car.
Should I do school, ride a bike to work and sell everything I own to work my way back to square one..
I am so so so lost, for that lst 4 yrs I have been depending on my BF who makes a tremendous amt of $$..
and we might be breaking up....
Sorry if this was a confusing post. I am lost.