
What should I do.. please give me an advice..?

by Guest61184  |  earlier

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ok, me and this guy haven't talk for almost 1year and 6months now..

he is my ex-bestfriend.. we start not to talk with each other can be because of our class is far far away from each other.. recently, i really miss to talk with him.. :(.. I'm a straight guy.. If i tell him I miss him.. does that mean i'm g*y? .. btw, how should i tell him I miss him? ( i dont even have his phone number )




  1. say something of this sort hey dude where have you been you missed out on a bunch of great stuff maybe we should try to hang out, No missing somebody doesn't make you g*y but how you say it can make you be perceived as g*y. Is there any family of his you can contact to get his phone number or do you have his address you can mail him a letter giving him your info and to call and talk if he likes.

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