
What should I do.......?

by Guest60255  |  earlier

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When I'm driving and I'm already going 5 miles over the posted speed and people get up on me so close I start to see red, I mean I get really upset.




  1. No way do I let them around me on a one lane road when I'm already doing over the speed limit... I pump my breaks on and off and try to scare the c**p out of them.

    There is no call to be  polite and let them around you when they are being road hogs with no regard for your safety.  99% they get the picture with my method and back off.

  2. if you are in a spot where there is a shoulder of the road that is wide enough just move over a little bit if there is no traffic coming towards you to give them a chance to go by you

  3. I know the feeling, and it infuriates me.

    If there is no possibility of passing and you cannot pull over, the best thing to do is turn off onto a side street, into a parking lot, or any other suitable spot.

    Yes, it's annoying, and nobody should be forced to do that. You're actually letting the idiot behind you "win." But I figure so what? It's so much more pleasant driving without the tailgater, it's worth the few extra seconds.

    Quite often you'll come upon the same vehicle again, riding someone else's bumper. That proves how pointless the tailgating is in the first place. But at least he/she will be in front of you.

  4. Very slowly decrease your speed, you don't want them to accidently hit you, but it'll make them go around you.  Then you can resume your normal speed.  I hate it when people try to "push me" down the road faster than I'm willing to drive, if they want to go speeding off then they can do it without me

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