
What should I do...................?

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my younger sister confided in me that she's suicidal and she cuts herself...all she said was she doesn't like herself any more.....she was never really that happy growing up and she wouldn't tell me why and it seems she's gotten worse since I moved out...what should I do to help her??




  1. First of all the question in my mind is.....why not tell your parents?

    Next if the parents are not the understanding helpful kind then I would try and get her into see a dr or rehab. Evidently she is very depressed to the point of needing professional help. If you don't do something she will not pull out of this alone. I admire you for sticking by your sister and caring, families are supposed to do this but, so many don't anymore. She has some deep deep issues here, don't ignore them or you will blame yourself if something happens to her. Not that it would be YOUR fault, but it's human nature that we do that. Do it out of love and not guilt, if you can't help her then call a professional or someone that will. I urge you to take some kind of steps. Hang in there, she needs you.

  2. try and maybe socialize with her more take her out to eat not somewhere nice just you know like chili's maybe(EXAMPLE) tell her you love her after you get done talking to her or maybe if you do go out to eat with her once in a while say it right after and just give her a hug. she maybe just doesnt have anyone saying i love you and showing it enough so maybe you could try and be that person

  3. tell your parents.

    then tell her that if you find out that she cuts herself again you will call the police and have her taken to the hospital.

  4. Just talk her into seeing someone.Not a shrink,but a Christian councelor.....they actually listen to you when normal shrinks just yalk about themselves.I was in the EXACT same situation and was planning on killing myself.....but my parents made me see a christian councelor......and my councelor told me that killing myself would just send me to h**l.....he taught me the other side of life and actually made me want to LIVE and laugh again like I used to.Trust me,do this before it gets out of control.

  5. let her know that no matter what, you will always be there for anything she  ever needs. let her know how much she is loved by everyone. in conversation, bring up the qualities about her that you love. Let her know she is perfect and she shouldn't be unhappy.

  6. aww thats sad. ='[

    hmm how old is she? i would let your mom know, she may be mad at you ar first, but she will know the best thing to do, unless it has to do with her mom or dad.

  7. love love love and more love..

    actually the most important person that can help her is herself!!

    you should let her feel happy and she should appreciate her life.

  8. Well, first you might what to know why she's acting the way she is. And make her enjoy life. Be the reason she wants to stay in this world. Be her BEST friend. Take her out to places, because she's just prolly feeling lonely and what she needs right now is a true friend. Dont bring up her problems during your time with her. Try to find info from her friends.

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